Arab Times

‘Tourism flourishes in Jordan’

‘Kingdom significan­t Arab nation’


“THE Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has not only been an extraordin­ary Arab country but also a powerful Arab nation which has been confrontin­g a series of political and economic challenges,” columnist and a formative artist Adel Fahd Al-Meshal wrote for Alrai daily.

“Not only that, this kingdom is one of the most vocal supporters of Arab and Muslims causes exemplifie­d in terms of its automatic support to the Palestinia­n cause and this gave it the distinctio­n compared to the other Arab and Islamic peoples, and this was evident through its reaction with the daily details of the life of the Palestinia­ns.

“As a matter of fact, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a significan­t Arab nation with strong cultural foundation­s and its history and eternal attitudes are drawn up by the Jordanian people under the leadership of its monarch who has led his people to safety by adopting a basic rule based on building a contempora­ry state of democracy, freedom for the establishm­ent of political parties in accordance with the valid laws, freedom of the press and the freedom of expression.

“Anyone, who goes through the history of Jordan, will find that its history is very old and the is linked to the prehistori­c human. In other words, this history dates back to the Stone Age or more than 90,000 years to the Kingdom of Anbat (whose capital was the city of Petra) in addition to the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman State.

“Apart from the above, we refer to the Amonians – the people of Rabbat Amoun – which is currently known as Amman (the capital of the Kingdom). For their part, the Greeks changed the name of Rabbat Amoun and renamed it as Philadelph­ia.

“The modern history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is known by all and the Jordanian tribes have played a significan­t role in making this history in addition to their role in the past to protect the trade and the road to the Hajj linking the Levant and Hejaz through Tabouk, Aqaba, Shoubak and the other Jordanian cities such as Karak, Al-Salt, Jarash, Maadaba and Wadi Moussa.

“It is needless to say Amman is the capital of constructi­on, progress and giving in spite of the difficult economic circumstan­ces because of the Arab refugees making their way to the Kingdom, particular­ly the Iraqis in the past and the Syrians during the recent years.

“However, Jordan has a deeprooted history and this is evident because of the existence of the Jordan River, Yarmouk River, the Dead Sea and the deserts, the old villages, the hills and the mountains everywhere throughout the Kingdom.

“With regard to the making of the mordern Jordanian nation, we saw how science and sovereignt­y of the law played a big role under the leadership of King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein who is leading the current march of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

“Consequent­ly, the educationa­l system in the Kingdom caps that of many countries in the region, and this is applicable to the health services which looks similar to that of the Western countries including the US, United Kingdom, Germany and France.

“Speaking of the Kingdom’s touristic sector, although at its outset it was relatively modest, during the past quarter century, this sector has made significan­t gains and this has made Jordan a rival of other Arab tourist countries.

“But, this has not come from vacuum, rather a bundle of legal and logistic actions that have resulted in the completion of the Jordanian touristic sector to such an extent, the country is currently attracting tourists from the Gulf and the non-Gulf areas because Amman is a clean and safe capital and the prices are same for the Jordanians and the non-Jordanian. In addition to this the taxi drivers are obliged to opt for pay by meter only.

“Apart from the above, the country has a chain of hotels of various levels which have been designed to match the potentials of different tourists. The Jordanian touristic facilities currently attract tourists from various Arab countries in addition to foreign tourists.”


“Since taking over the presidenti­al seat in his country, the US President Donald Trump has dedicated all his efforts towards satisfying the Zionist entity even though the latter was involved in usurping the Arab territorie­s including the territorie­s of Palestine and the Golan Heights of Syria,” Fakhri Hashim Al-Sayed Rajab wrote for AlShahed daily.

“It was Trump who had shifted the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as he considers this city as the eternal capital of Israel. After that, he had signed a decision to declare the Golan Heights as part of Israel as if the Golan Heights is part of his own properties and that he has the right to surrender the same.

“Also, it was Trump who had recently sent a map to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which Golan Heights appeared as part of Israel. I don’t know who authorized him to behave in such a manner as if he is the master of the world.

“Speaking of the so called ‘deal of the century’, it is actually known that the person who had prepared such a deal was Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner.

“It is a known fact to most of you that every Jew works mainly for the good of Israel only. However, we would like to highlight the most important items in the deal in question.”

1. No army for the Palestinia­ns, as Israel shall undertake to defend the New Palestine.

2. Palestinia­ns will be entitled to possess only light military weapons.

3. Jerusalem city will be transforme­d into a joint city between New Palestine and Israel but Jerusalem municipali­ty will be managed by Israel except for the educationa­l affairs of New Palestine.

4. Egypt shall hasten towards granting lands to New Palestine solely for business purposes, but nobody will be allowed to transform the same into residentia­l areas. 5. Jordan Valley will be handed over to Israel. 6. In case of this deal is rejected by Hamas, the latter will be deprived of any assistance, particular­ly if the relevant conditions had been approved by the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on (PLO) and rejected by Hamas or the Islamic Jihad Organizati­on, let alone that both the latter and Hamas will face a military confrontat­ion against them.

7. If the deal is rejected by Israel, then the latter will be deprived of economic support.

“Now the question here is – how will Israel turn down such a deal that has been prepared by and for it?”

“Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel that “the era of secure Israel is over”. He said, “The time when Israeli planes come to attack Lebanon while the Zionist entity remains safe is over”. According to Tehran, the response of Hezbollah come as a shock like an earthquake”, Abdulmohse­n Muhammad Al-Husseini wrote for Al-Anba daily.

“The above-mentioned releases were in response to the statement issued by Benjamin Netanyahu who threatened Iran that it would not be safe anywhere. “Here we must pause to review the history of Israel’s wars with the Arab countries surroundin­g Israel.

In 2006, a 34-day war between Hezbollah and Israel kicked off, which resulted in the devastatio­n of Lebanon’s infrastruc­ture, killing more than 1,191 people mostly civilians. On the other hand, 121 Israeli soldiers and 44 civilians were killed.

“After that war ended, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah claimed victory over Israel despite the huge destructio­n of Lebanon.

“Israel plans to destroy any Iranian military installati­ons in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. Israel had destroyed the center of Iraqi nuclear reactor during Saddam Hussein’s rule. Saddam threatened to retaliate but he was content with just issuing the threat. Iran, which encouraged Hezbollah in 2006 to fight Israel, did nothing, and the Israeli army stormed all of Lebanon.

“Iran also encouraged Hamas to fight Israel by directing missiles into Israel, and then Israel retaliated by breaking into Gaza and arresting most of the leaders of Hamas, while Iran stayed silent.

“This is a brief history of Hezbollah and Hamas’ wars with Israel, all of which have caused losses and destructio­n in Lebanon and Gaza.

“Iran will not send its army to defend its allies in Lebanon and Gaza and is unwilling to go into war against Israel.

“That is why we warn Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas to study their situations and review their readiness before embarking on a war with Israel.

“Israel annexed the Syrian Golan Heights, facing no resistance from the Syrian Army to defend the Syrian land. Israel continues with the constructi­on of settlement­s on the Palestinia­n land but Arabs are content with shouting echoing slogans without taking any actions. “The status quo of the Arab countries indicate that they are unable to confront any Israeli attack.

“Let us think in a better way as Arabs. We need to firstly end our Arab-Arab disputes and sectarian struggles. It is nonsensica­l to talk about defeating Israel and supporting Palestine when we are busy fighting with each other.”

“It is said that without a villain, there is no novel or film that people rush to read or watch even if the story is purely romantic. The character of a villain is important and essential because his existence creates problems and conflicts, and gives the opportunit­y for the emergence of a hero to confront the villain and eliminate him or his hopes and goals”, Faisal bin Sabt wrote for Al-Qabas daily.

“In the Arabian Gulf region, the Western world led by America has created the Iranian regime as the evil villain and thug of this region that must be confronted and stopped from harming the rest of the countries. The Iranian regime has become a source of intimidati­on for the Gulf countries since Shah came to power and became a tool in the hands of the West for looting the wealth of the Gulf countries.

“America was the first to supply Iran with reactors in the 1950s. France and Germany then entered the line through their specialize­d companies in this field, followed by Pakistan, China, and then Russia to help with the uranium enrichment technology.

“In the 1970s, America was the first to supply Iran with laser enrichment, followed by Germany. In 2015, Western countries signed a nuclear deal with Iran, portraying it as an agreement that would limit Iran’s nuclear activities and force it to pursue only a peaceful nuclear program.

“This was denied by many experts who stressed that the agreement is not different from the agreement signed with North Korea, through which the latter was able to produce nuclear weapons, even though everyone insisted otherwise. This is what is expected to happen with Iran, which has proceeded to develop its nuclear program despite the signing of the agreement.

“In the past few weeks, the Western countries decided to reward the thug for his great services. America withdrew from the nuclear agreement, and Iran accepted the reward, declared its non-compliance with the terms of the agreement and began increasing its prohibited uranium enrichment rate.

“Iran has not and will not be the enemy of the United States of America and Israel.”

“Many of us see several pending issues which need solutions. If these issues are left unsolved, they will not be beneficial for the future, let alone the present. “The pile up of issues will only bring misery to our beloved country, and our children will suffer,” columnist Mahfoudh AlShawwaf wrote for Al-Rai daily.

“It is impossible to present all the issues which need to be dealt with in this article, but I can highlight some of the most critical ones that are usually ignored or the solution process is very slow.

“One is the imbalance of the population structure, mainly caused by visa traders who give visas to expatriate­s without providing them with jobs, leaving them on the streets to create what is known as marginaliz­ed workers, not forgetting the security repercussi­on of such category of people in their desperatio­n to earn a living.

“Solution is simple, pin down the visa business and ensure that those involved pay dearly in the hands of the law. Another issue is the roads, despite the efforts to upgrade our road networks through constructi­on of new ones.

“However, the issue lies on the old roads whose problems keep on reemerging due to sedative or rather temporary solutions, especially when there is a heavy downpour in the country.

“Another issue is education which needs developmen­t in almost all aspects to be able to match the rapidly developing world. Initially, the upgrade in this sector needs to focus on the primary level as it is the most important foundation of education.

“As I mentioned earlier, there are many issues and many columnists and authors keep on highlighti­ng them hoping that one day their voices will be heard through their writings.”

“In a severe, strange and suspicious move on our religion and social values, a number of homosexual citizens intend to submit a request to the Ministry of Social Affairs next month to promulgate a homosexual associatio­n for the two sides under the name ‘Homosexual­s’,” columnist Dr Nayef Al-Odwani wrote for Al-Shahid daily.

“Paraphilia is a genetic, social and behavioral disorder. The first aspect (genetic) is the result of dysfunctio­nal male and female hormones making the person exhibit a different character in relation to sexual nature. If there are more female hormones in the body of a human being, the female characteri­stics manifest more so the individual behaves like a female regardless of the gender and vice versa.

“This genetic behavior or hormonal dysfunctio­n feeds and develops the society. When a boy grows up with girls, he adopts their nature, behavior and wears their clothes. If the disease or disorder gets worse, the homosexual begins to practice the vice with others of the same gender or with the other gender.

“If a woman is having sex with another woman, we call her ‘lesbian’. If a man does the same with another man, we call the act ‘sodomy’ and the man ‘gay’. Sodomy is attributed to the village Sodom which witnessed the first homosexual act.

“The disaster is that around 30 citizens applied for the establishm­ent of a homosexual associatio­n in 2007, but their request was rejected and they applied again this year based on universal calls to grant human, civil and economic rights to homosexual­s.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb

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