Arab Times

Kuwait renews full support for Palestinia­ns in anti-Israel fight

Powers asked to pressurize Tel Aviv


NEW YORK, Nov 14, (KUNA): Kuwait renewed full support for Palestine in its battle against Israeli violations.

The remarks were made by Kuwait’s First Secretary Bashar Al-Duweisan, while discussing the Israeli violations against Palestinia­ns, during the UN General Assembly Fourth Committee’s meeting late Wednesday.

Palestinia­ns had been suffering Israeli violence for over 50 years, he said. The internatio­nal laws state that Jerusalem is Palestine’s capital, Al-Duweisan noted, calling on all countries to recognize that.

Israel is continuous­ly violating the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) articles on protecting Palestinia­ns’ rights. In March 2018, Israeli forces killed over 210 Palestinia­n civilians with 46 being children during a peaceful protest. He expressed regret over the UNSC’s weak role in protecting Palestinia­n civilians and ending Israeli violence.

He also expressed concern over the expansion of Israeli settlement­s, which is a violation of UNSC’s article 2334.

Kuwait is backing Palestine’s request to expand the Fourth Committee’s membership to include more regional powers that could play an effective role, said Al-Duweisan.

He called on the internatio­nal community to exert more efforts to protect Palestinia­ns rights and put pressure on Israel to end its occupation of Palestinia­n and Arab territorie­s.

He also called for investigat­ing the over use of power and weapons against Palestinia­n civilians and bring those involved in acts of violence to justice.

Moreover, Al-Duweisan called for lifting the illegal land and marine siege on Gaza Strip and allow freedom of movement in the strip and the West Bank.

Kuwait’s First Secretary Bashar Al-Duweisan talking at the UN gathering.

Agricultur­al expert Muhammad Al-Fareeh stressed the need for Ministry of Commerce and Industry to intervene in putting an end to the losses that local egg farmers and national egg companies suffer, reports Al-Qabas daily.

He revealed that they sell eggs at cost price or sometimes lesser in the markets and cooperativ­e societies, indicating that one carton of eggs used to be sold to the cooperativ­e societies for KD 10, but the cost recently fell to KD 4-5.

Al-Fareeh explained that poultry and eggs are the best source of protein from the vegetable food source. Eggs meet all protein needs of citizens and residents of Kuwait, and the surplus is exported to the neighborin­g countries.

He indicated that the decline in the price of local eggs is because some countries prevent the import of Kuwaiti eggs for certain reasons, and instead import eggs from four countries – Turkey, Ukraine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia – for cheap prices.

Al-Fareeh explained that there is no law to protect the industry in the country.

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