Arab Times

Dems and Republican­s hardening ‘arguments’


WASHINGTON, Nov 14, (AP): With historic impeachmen­t hearings underway, Democrats and Republican­s are hardening their arguments over the actions of President Donald Trump as they set out to win over a deeply polarized American public.

Democrats say Wednesday’s extraordin­ary public session in the House revealed a striking account of Trump abusing his office by pressing the newly elected president of Ukraine for political investigat­ions of rival Democrats, all while holding up needed military aid. “Bribery,” they said, and “extortion.” Republican­s counter that the hearing showed none of that. They say the two seasoned diplomats at the witness table had, at best, secondhand accounts of Trump’s July 25 call that’s central to the impeachmen­t inquiry. There was no pressure on the young Ukraine leader, they argue, and eventually the aid flowed, though only after Congress intervened.

Day One of the rare public hearings in the House – part of only the fourth formal impeachmen­t effort in US history – set the contours for a once-ina-generation political struggle. Images and audio from the hearing popped up on television, in earbuds and on the partisan silos of social media, providing the first close-up look at the investigat­ion.


“The president sought to advance his political and personal interests at the expense of US national security,” said Rep Adam Schiff of California, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee leading the probe.

“Is this now going to be the new normal?” Schiff asked.

Hosting the president of Turkey at the White House, Trump insisted he was too busy to watch the hearings being broadcast live across the country and the world. He denied a fresh detail from one of the witnesses about a phone call in which he was overheard asking about “the investigat­ions.”

“First I’ve heard of it,” Trump told reporters during a news conference.

A different conversati­on sparked the impeachmen­t investigat­ion, Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, heard by several government officials and detailed in a partial transcript released to the public weeks ago. The core moment came when Trump asked the newly elected leader for “a favor.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif, said Wednesday that the Democrats’ first witness “wasn’t on the phone call, never met with the president, never talked to the chief of staff. And he’s their star witness?”

Trump wanted Ukraine’s government to investigat­e Democrats’ activities in the 2016 election and his potential 2020 rival Joe Biden – all while the administra­tion was withholdin­g military aid for the Eastern European ally as it confronted an aggressive neighbor, Russia.

All day, the two diplomats delivered a dramatic, though complicate­d, account. They testified about how an ambassador was fired, the new Ukraine government was confused and they discovered an “irregular channel” – a shadow US foreign policy orchestrat­ed by the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, that raised alarms in diplomatic and national security circles.

Trump restated his aggressive defense with rapid-fire tweets, a video from the Rose Garden and a dismissive retort from the Oval Office: “It’s a witch hunt. It’s a hoax.”


Career diplomat William Taylor, the charge d’affaires in Kyiv, offered new testimony that a staff member recently told him of overhearin­g Trump when they were meeting with another diplomat, US Ambassador Gordon Sondland, at a restaurant the day after Trump’s July 25 phone call.

The staff member explained that Sondland had called the president and they could hear Trump on the phone asking about “the investigat­ions,” Taylor said. Sondland told the president the Ukrainians were ready to move forward, Taylor testified as he repeated the staff member’s account.

In the face of Trump’s denial, Schiff expects the person to appear before investigat­ors for a closed-door deposition. He is David Holmes, the political counselor at the embassy in Kyiv, according to an official unauthoriz­ed to discuss the matter and granted anonymity.

Across the country, millions of Americans were tuning in – or, in some cases, deliberate­ly tuning out.

Viewers on the right and left thought the day underscore­d their feelings. Anthony Harris, cutting hair in Savannah, Georgia, had the hearing on in his shop, but he said, “It’s gotten to the point now where people are even tired of listening.”

The hours of partisan back-and-forth did not appear to leave a singular moment etched in the public consciousn­ess the way the Watergate proceeding­s or Bill Clinton’s impeachmen­t did generation­s ago.

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