Arab Times

Jleeb cleaning campaign postponed due to forecast of rain in the next few days

Many youths held for creating nuisance in area


KUWAIT CITY, Nov 17: The Kuwait Municipali­ty and a number of government agencies are determined to put an end to various kinds of violations on in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The daily quoting reliable sources said a Joint Ministeria­l Committee has been formed to follow up the current situation in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh and has held several meetings and paid a number of visits to the region.

The daily has learned that the committee had decided to begin the campaign of cleaning the area of all irregulari­ties Sunday but decided to postpone it due to rain forecast Monday and Tuesday.

Informed sources revealed that the Municipali­ty will play the main role in the campaign which will be carried out in cooperatio­n with the concerned authoritie­s.

The campaign will include the closure of unlicensed shops and infringeme­nts committed inside homes which have been turned into kitchens, factories, blacksmith­s and makeshift markets.

The sources pointed out that the committee has also decided to postpone the evacuation of bachelors from the region until a suitable alternativ­e is found such as the constructi­on of labor cities and others.

Youths causing havoc:

The Ministry of Interior has identified a number of youths who caused havoc in the Sabah Al-Ahmad marine area, reports Al-Rai daily.

The daily quoting security sources said arrest warrants have been issued against the suspects.

According to security sources, the security men took action after a video clip of the incident went viral showing a group of young men fighting and one of them tried to run over a number of young men.

The Directorat­e General of Public Relations and Security Media Department of the Interior Ministry said the incident happened in front of a chalet. Police investigat­ions showed the incident happened last week but was not reported to the police.

One of the victims has allegedly given names of the suspects and some of them have been identified

from the video clip.

Morals violator held:

The Directorat­e-General of Public Relations and Security Media Department of the Interior Ministry said personnel from the Public Ethics Department of the Criminal Security Sector have arrested an unidentifi­ed person for posting a clip in the social media violating public morals, reports Al-Anba daily.

The department says the accused confessed to the charge after he was confronted with the videos. He has been referred to the concerned


Old mans kills self:

Personnel from the Criminal Investigat­ion Department (CID) have opened an investigat­ion into the suicide of a 60-year-old man who allegedly shot himself with a shotgun, reports Al-Rai daily.

According to a security source the incident happened in a suburb of Rehab.

A security source said the weapon with which the man ended his life has been seized and the corpse and the weapon have been referred to Forensics.

 ??  ?? Water from the overflowin­g drains is a common sight in Jleeb and Hassawi areas. No place for the residents to walk in the area and the vehicles move at a painstakin­gly slow pace. Stench of sewerage water
makes life difficult resulting in various kinds of diseases.
Water from the overflowin­g drains is a common sight in Jleeb and Hassawi areas. No place for the residents to walk in the area and the vehicles move at a painstakin­gly slow pace. Stench of sewerage water makes life difficult resulting in various kinds of diseases.

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