Arab Times

‘Russia report after election’:



The British government will publish a parliament­ary report examining alleged Russian meddling in British politics after the country’s Dec 12 election, security minister Brandon Lewis said on Sunday.

Opponents have accused the government of sitting on the report by parliament’s Intelligen­ce and Security Committee (ISC), which has been cleared by the security services, because it might contain embarrassi­ng revelation­s about Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his party.

Lewis told Sky News the report could not be published during the so-called “purdah” period which sets rules on government announceme­nts during an election campaign.

“We want to make sure, particular­ly where national security is involved, we go through that process properly and thoroughly,” he said. “We can’t publish things during the general election ... but after the general election that report will be published.”

Last week the government had said the report had not been published because of necessary procedure whereby vetting it would take several weeks.

Britain has accused Russia of meddling or trying to interfere in western elections, accusation­s denied by Moscow. The ISC was examining allegation­s of Russian activity aimed at the United Kingdom, including in the 2016 referendum on EU membership, when Johnson was a leading campaigner to leave.

The Sunday Times said the report concluded Russian interferen­ce may have had an impact on the Brexit referendum but the effect was “unquantifi­able”. (RTRS)

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