Arab Times

horoscope By Jacqueline Bigar


Happy birthday for Monday, Nov. 18, 2019: This year, you head in a new direction and open up naturally to many new experience­s. Sometimes you might be confused or get mixed messages. Do nothing with first impression­s; learn to understand more. If single, many smiling presents from Cupid land on your door. Only you can decide how far you want to take these potential ties. Be aware that you are changing. What works today might not in a few months. If attached, the two of you relate intensely but often need to clear out a sense of misunderst­anding. Refuse to jump to conclusion­s with your sweetie. Learn where he or she is coming from. Leo takes a starring role in your life.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult.

Capricorn -

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

**** How you deal with someone close to you might be radically different from your normal style. You understand the ramificati­ons of what is going on, but you might not want to discuss the implicatio­ns with others. Tonight: Be a duo.

Aquarius -

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)

**** Defer to another party for now. Although you seem very different, your affection for people makes you comrades. A boss or higher-up could be confusing you. Tonight: As you like.

Pisces -

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

**** You might choose to defer to others. What you hear could make you feel as if there is no purpose in explaining yourself. You feel misunderst­ood. Others do understand. Stay steady and trust yourself. Tonight: Complete errands first.

Aries -

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

**** Keep communicat­ing what is on your mind. Your enthusiasm comes through no matter what. The unexpected occurs when dealing with a family member or a real estate issue. Make sure a misunderst­anding is not the problem. Tonight: Happiest at home

Taurus -

(Apr 20 - May 20)

**** You could feel pressured by someone else’s need to take charge. Ultimately, this person will not have the desired impact. Rather, it will cause you to distance from him or her. Your will is strong too. Tonight: Homeward bound.

Gemini -

(May 21 - June 20)

**** You are forthright, independen­t and honest. Sometimes you become overloaded by events and cannot see your way free without some uproar or distance. Do what you need to. Tonight: Telling it like it is.

Cancer -

(June 21 - July 22)

*** You tend to go overboard when handling personal matters. Sometimes, others do not understand your drive, and they see you as obsessive or self-centered even though you are neither. Tonight: Balance your checkbook.

Leo -

(July 23 - Aug 22)

**** Your personalit­y mixed with an innate graciousne­ss allows you to let bygones be bygones. Someone close to you adds an element of chaos and difficulty to your day. Hop over it and you will be a lot happier. Tonight: A small gesture goes a long way.

Virgo -

(Aug 23 - Sept 22)

*** You might not like what you hear. Join the crowd. You are in a position where you need to say little because others are megaphones with complaints. You might agree with them, but the less said, the better. Tonight: Return calls.

Libra -

(Sept 23 - Oct 22)

**** Zero in on an important alliance or friendship. The person in question does not always agree with you but adds to your sense of wellbeing and nurturing. You might discover that a meeting is confusing. Tonight: As you like it.

Scorpio -

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

**** Beam in more of what you want from others. You could get frustrated if you do not receive that which you desire. Do not give up hope. Open up to new possibilit­ies even if you feel uncomforta­ble. Tonight: Initiate an important discussion.

Sagittariu­s -

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

***** You smile and others relax. You might understand what is going on around you on a deeper, more complex level. You also know what needs to be done to change the direction you and others are heading in. Tonight: Where you want to be.

Born today: Journalist Megyn Kelly (1970), actor Owen Wilson (1968), researcher Brene Brown (1965)

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