Arab Times

Calif considers calling THC in pot risk to moms-to-be

UK reports bird flu


LOS ANGELES, Dec 11, (AP): More than three years after California voters broadly legalized marijuana, a state panel is considerin­g if its potent, high-inducing chemical – THC – should be declared a risk to pregnant women and require warnings.

Studies have indicated that a rising number of mothers-to-be have turned to marijuana products for relief from morning sickness and headaches, though it’s effectiven­ess has not been backed by science.

Cannabis industry officials say too little sound research is available on THC to support such a move and warn that it could make marijuana companies a target for lawsuits with unverified claims of injuries from pot use during pregnancy.

“That seems like an open-ended checkbook. How do we defend ourselves?” said Los Angeles dispensary owner Jerred Kiloh, who heads the United Cannabis Business Associatio­n, an industry group.

Lawyers looking for a quick buck will say “give us $10,000 or we are going to take you into a long court case,” he added.


The California Cannabis Industry Associatio­n echoed that fear, noting that pot’s standing as an illegal drug at the federal level has choked off research by government agencies. Those studies are needed to determine if THC poses health risks for pregnant women.

“Good policy and consumer protection­s are based on facts and data,” spokesman Josh Drayton said.

The meeting Wednesday of the obscure state Developmen­tal and Reproducti­ve Toxicant Identifica­tion Committee in Sacramento will focus on whether THC causes “reproducti­ve toxicity.” The panel is made up of scientists appointed by the governor.

An affirmativ­e finding would make THC one of hundreds of chemicals judged to cause cancer or birth defects that the state requires to carry warning labels, such as arsenic and lead.

The review is being carried out under the umbrella of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcemen­t Act, better known as Propositio­n 65. It requires warning labels for chemicals judged as dangerous and allows residents, advocacy groups and attorneys to sue on behalf of the state and collect a portion of civil penalties for failure to provide warnings.

The 1986 law has been credited with weeding out cancer-causing chemicals from products but also faulted for setting the stage for legal shakedowns.

Since 2009, the state has listed marijuana smoke as being known to cause cancer, similar to tobacco smoke.

“The expansion of Propositio­n 65 as it relates to cannabis is premature and lacks both the facts and the data that would justify this move,” Drayton said.

The US surgeon general warned in August that smoking marijuana is dangerous for pregnant women and their developing babies. Mainstream medicine advises against pot use in pregnancy because of studies suggesting it might cause premature birth, low birth weight or other health problems, but many of those studies were in animals or had findings that were open to dispute.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse is paying for several studies on marijuana use during pregnancy.

If the California panel declares pot a risk for pregnant women, it’s not clear what the immediate impact would be on the state’s legal pot industry.

Presumably, packaging would need to be changed over time to carry warning labels for pregnant women. But such requiremen­ts would likely take additional steps by agencies that oversee marijuana regulation and packaging.

Even products containing CBD, a trendy ingredient extracted from marijuana or hemp, can contain trace amounts of THC.


The hepatitis A outbreak in northern Kentucky has been declared over by local health officials.

No new cases have been reported in Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties in the last four months, the Northern Kentucky Health Department said Monday in a statement.

The outbreak began in August 2018 and officials documented 391 cases of the virus, including four deaths.

Hepatitis A is a contagious virus that infects the liver and can cause flu-like symptoms for several weeks.

Even though the outbreak is over, Northern Kentucky Health Department Director Lynne Saddler still urged people to get vaccinated. She said vaccinatio­ns will protect the individual and the community against future outbreaks.

ST PAUL, Minn:

Minnesotan­s have gotten sick from eating salad kits linked to an outbreak of E. coli, state health officials said Tuesday.

The state Department of Health says the Minnesotan­s became ill between Nov 8 and Nov 16. Two people were hospitaliz­ed. The ill Minnesotan­s ranged in age from 21 to 91. Four were from the Minneapoli­s-St Paul area and one from Greater Minneota.

Officials say nine people from three states have gotten sick. The infections are linked to Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp Chopped Salad Kits. Health officials are warning consumers not to eat the salad mix, or to throw it out if they have it in their refrigerat­ors.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a safety alert about the salad kits.


Britain’s government said bird flu had been confirmed at a chicken farm in eastern England on Tuesday, the first such report since June 2017.

Some 27,000 birds at the farm would be slaughtere­d following the discovery of the H5 strain, which the agricultur­e ministry described as “low pathogenic.”

“The risk to public health from the virus is very low,” health authoritie­s added. “Thoroughly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are safe to eat.”

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