Arab Times



each character, fit for a “Gluten-free” generation. Each painting makes either socio-political inferences or explores the taboos within the society, exploring ideas of DNA, the repetition­s and recursions of history, a new brand of feminism, the allegory to the mating world and the animal kingdom.

Social media is a pertinent topic in the discussion between the public and private display of identity today. While it has brought wider freedoms of expression with anonymity, it has also compelled restrictio­ns and deceit as users carefully curate an online persona that may wholly be divorced from their reality.

Close to a decade after the controvers­ial shutdown of her exhibition, It’s a Mad World, the incident still looms over Amin. She confesses to having mixed feelings, “I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, it is a good thing that happened in hindsight because it really woke up the art society in Kuwait. The incident trended everywhere and that is how I ended up on BBC’s Hardtalk. So in a way it was good for my career in the long term and good for art in general in Kuwait because younger artists started becoming more brave after that. I was a scapegoat, I took the brunt of it. The artists who came after me received a gentler slap on the hand, if they did anything wrong. I know a couple of artists who have tried to push boundaries and have been successful at it. So I think that was the advantage of it.”

The disadvanta­ge, Amin adds, was the psychologi­cal burden she carried for months, adding, “The effect on

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