Arab Times



working on herself, “I have been doing a lot of self care and spiritual work on myself. I could never do meditation before, I was too impatient and active. Over the last year, I have gone from being able to a five-minute meditation to one-hour meditation, and it has done something incredible to me.

Amin is a big advocate of dreaming big. As a child, she recalls being chided for day-dreaming but is happy she kept at it, turning one such daydream into reality, “When I was nine I asked my dad what the Venice Biennale was and he said it was like the Oscars for artists. I asked him if any Kuwaiti artists had participat­ed in it and he said no. I said, I want to be the first, and at the time it was just talk but I felt the emotion. I was so convinced. I pictured myself there.” She encourages others to dream big and want great things, “I have always believed that your reality, what happens to you in your life, is only as big or little as your imaginatio­n.”

Apart from painting, Amin also indulges in a host of other interests from writing and poetry to yoga and pilates, dancing, and has recently taken up sailing. “I never understood why you can’t be a million things. For me, I have always wanted more and I would always hear at the back of my head – society, family and people saying, that’s greedy. You need to settle for one thing. Don’t ask for too much, it is not good. Be grateful. I have always found that to be counter-productive and counter-intuitive because I believe that the more gratitude you have every day, the more abundance comes to you.”

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