Arab Times

ICE subpoenas sanctuary city law enforcemen­t


WASHINGTON, Jan 16, (AP): US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t has subpoenaed Denver law enforcemen­t for informatio­n on four foreign nationals wanted for deportatio­n and may consider expanding the unusual practice to other locations if necessary. It’s an escalation of the conflict between federal officials and so-called sanctuary cities.

ICE, the Homeland Security agency responsibl­e for arresting and deporting people in the US illegally, could take the subpoena to a federal judge, who can order them to hand over informatio­n and find them in contempt if they don’t comply, officials said.

But Denver officials strongly disputed the claim that they had not been cooperativ­e with an initial request for informatio­n from ICE. Denver officials said they already had sent along informatio­n on three of the men. The fourth was still in custody, and informatio­n would be sent when he is released.

But Denver, like many other jurisdicti­ons around the country, will not hold any inmate beyond their release date in order for ICE to collect them because it violates their civil rights.

“We are reviewing the administra­tive subpoenas from ICE, which were not issued by a court of law,” said Theresa Marchetta, the director of strategic communicat­ions with the mayor’s office. “We want to be very clear that our immigratio­n ordinance fully complies with federal law.”

Curbing immigratio­n, both legal and illegal, has been a top priority for President Donald Trump, who has insulted Mexicans as rapists and murderers and who claims immigrants pose a safety threat, despite studies showing they commit less crime than non-immigrants. He has tightened rules on who can come, restricted who can receive public benefits and sent more than 50,000 people back to Mexico to wait out asylum claims.

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