Arab Times

Kuwait marks opening of liberation air strike


KUWAIT CITY, Jan 16, (KUNA): Kuwait will mark the 29th anniversar­y of the first air strikes of operation “Desert Storm” launched by internatio­nal coalition forces to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi Invasion on Jan 17.

Then US President George Bush made the decision to start the military operation on Jan 15, 1991, after a meeting with his senior national security advisers concluded that implementa­tion of operation takes place on time, after the failure of all diplomatic means to persuade Iraq to withdraw troops.

In the morning of Jan 17, after the end of the ultimatum set by the UN Security Council, air raids were launched, with the participat­ion of 1,800 warplanes from the US, UK, Saudi and Kuwait.

The fighter jets took off from the Red Sea and Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, and other air bases in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

In the first day, the raids lasted 240 intermitte­nt minutes, in which 400 warplane participat­ed. The coalition jets conducted 1,200 operations, including 302 by Saudi and Kuwaiti aircraft, destroying almost half of the Iraqi airpower.

Various types of warplanes participat­ed in this operation, under the guidance of AWACS aircraft. The US aircraft carriers fired 100 Tomahawk missiles against Iraqi targets in Iraq and Kuwait.

Jaguar warplanes participat­ed in a major role in directing the attacking planes and jamming the counter devices and radars. The F-117s warplanes had a primary role in first strike to destroy and bomb targets in Baghdad, and Iraqi air defense could not shoot down any of them.

The Kuwaiti Air Force played a heroic role in the war of the liberation, striking targets inside Kuwait in order to preserve Kuwaiti properties in addition to striking airports and Iraqi artillery positions and enemy gatherings.

The coalition countries contribute­d $53 billion for these military operations, with Germany accounting for $6.572 billion, Japan $10.72 billion, South Korea $355 million, Kuwait $16 billion, Saudi Arabia $16.839 billion, the UAE $4.88 billions and other countries $30 million.

More than 750,000 soldiers participat­ed, including 500,000 Americans representi­ng ground forces, marines, and air force, 30,000 Britons, 13,000 French, in addition to some 200,000 troops who made up Arab units that joined the coalition.

On Feb 24, coalition forces entered at dawn into Kuwaiti and Iraqi territorie­s. The ground forces were divided into three main groups: the first went to liberate Kuwait City, the second to surround the wing of the Iraqi Army west of Kuwait, while the third group was tasked with moving in the far west and entering South of Iraqi territory, to cut off all supplies to the army.

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