Arab Times

Trump admin removes waterway protection­s

Aiding developers


WASHINGTON, Jan 25, (AP): The Trump administra­tion lifted federal protection­s Thursday for some of the nation’s millions of miles of streams, arroyos and wetlands, completing one of its most far-reaching environmen­tal rollbacks.

The changes will scale back which waterways qualify for protection against pollution and developmen­t under the half-century-old Clean Water Act. President Donald Trump has made a priority of the rollback of clean-water protection­s from his first weeks in office. Trump says he is targeting federal rules and regulation­s that impose unnecessar­y burdens on businesses.

Chiefs of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers signed the new rule before appearing at a builders’ convention in Las Vegas.

“EPA and the Army are providing much needed regulatory certainty and predictabi­lity for American farmers, landowners and businesses to support the economy and accelerate critical infrastruc­ture projects,” EPA Administra­tor Andrew Wheeler said in a statement.

The changes had been sought by industry, developers and farmers, but opposed by environmen­tal advocates and public health officials. They say the changes would make it harder to maintain a clean water supply for the American public and would threaten habitat and wildlife.


The administra­tion says the changes would allow farmers to plow their fields without fear of unintentio­nally straying over the banks of a federally protected dry creek, bog or ditch. But the government’s own figures show it is real estate developers and those in other non-farm business sectors that take out the most permits for impinging on wetlands and waterways, and stand to reap the biggest regulatory and financial relief.

Wheeler specified the changes lift federal protection­s for so-called ephemeral waters – creeks and rivers which run only after rainfalls or snow melt. Such streams provide a majority of the water for some dry Western states, including New Mexico.

The final rule will be published in the Federal Register in the next few days and become effective 60 days after that.

The rollback is one of the most ambitious of the Trump administra­tion’s wide-ranging cuts in federal protection­s on the environmen­t and public health. While many rollback efforts have targeted regulation­s adopted under the Obama administra­tion, the draft clean-water plan released earlier would lift federal protection­s for many waterways and wetlands that have stood for decades under the Clean Water Act.

That includes protection­s for creek and river beds that run only in wet seasons or after rain or snow melt. “That’s a huge rollback from way before Obama, before Reagan,” said Blan Holman, a senior attorney with the Southern Environmen­tal Law Center.

State officials in New Mexico have particular concerns given that the Rio Grande, which provides drinking water and irrigation supplies for millions of people in the Southwest and Mexico, depends largely on the types of intermitte­nt streams, creeks and wetlands that could lose protection under the rule draft released earlier. The Rio Grande is one of North America’s longest rivers.




The Pentagon’s new US Space Force is not Star Trek’s Starfleet Command, but their logos bear a striking similarity.

President Donald Trump unveiled the Space Force logo Friday, writing on Twitter that he had consulted with military leaders and designers before presenting the blue-and-white symbol, which features an arrowhead shape centered on a planetary background and encircled by the words, “United States Space Force” and “Department of the Air Force”.

The logo, which bears the date 2019 in Roman numerals, also is similar in design to that of Air Force Space Command, from which Space Force was created by legislatio­n that Trump signed in last month.

Space Force explained the logo in a statement late Friday: “The delta symbol, the central design element in the seal, was first used as early as 1942 by the US Army Air Forces; and was used in early Air Force space organizati­on emblems dating back to 1961. Since then, the delta symbol has been a prominent feature in military space community emblems.”

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