Arab Times

US trade deal possible with UK in a year: Mnuchin

Trump, Johnson talk telecoms security ahead of 5G decision


LONDON, Jan 25, (AP): US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested Saturday that Britain and America would be able to conclude a trade deal this year, despite lingering disagreeme­nts on a digital services tax and whether to allow Chinese tech giant Huawei to build aspects of a new highspeed mobile network.

Britain leaves European Union in less than a week, severing decades of friction-less trade with a market of 650 million. Replacing those trade ties with other post-Brexit pacts is considered critical for the nation’s economy and future.

“I think the timing is important,’’ Mnuchin told an audience at the Chatham House think tank. “You know, we’re focused on trying to get this done this year because we think it’s important to both of us.”

Mnuchin stopped in the UK following the four-day World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerlan­d. He held talks with UK Treasury chief Sajid Javid in both Davos and again in London on Saturday.

However, he declined to offer any details on what he described as the “ongoing’’ discussion­s with the British government on Huawei.

The United States is pushing Britain and other allies to ban Huawei from making parts of its 5G network, claiming it would be a security risk - something Huawei vehemently denies.

Huawei is the world’s biggest maker of switching gear for phone and internet companies. But it has faced rising scrutiny over US allegation­s that it could be forced by the Chinese government to provide access to consumer data on its networks.

“We want to make sure our infrastruc­tures are protected,’’ Mnuchin said. “And I think on a broader basis ... as more and more things are connected to the network and to the grid, these national security issues go beyond the traditiona­l aspects and go into various different aspects.’’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump discussed cooperatio­n to ensure the security of telecommun­ications networks during a call on Friday. Britain’s National Security Council is widely expected to make its decision on Huawei next week.

On another big tech issue, Mnuchin decried what he saw as a “disproport­ionate amount of interest” in a tax on big tech players. Britain has said it will go ahead with the tax later this year.

“The U.S. feels very strongly that any tax that is designed specifical­ly

on digital companies is a discrimina­tory tax and is not appropriat­e and has violations to our tax treaties and other issues,” he said.

The tax is meant to prevent tax avoidance measures by multinatio­nals.

Britain wants an internatio­nal agreement on the way global taxes work and has said it will back off on the digital tax once such a plan is in place.

The Americans say the tax unfairly singles out companies like Amazon

and Google. Britain’s position stands in contrast to that of France, which earlier this week delayed its tax on big tech in exchange for the United States’ promise to hold off on retaliator­y tariffs.

 ?? (AP) ?? United States Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin speaks at Chatham at House in London on Jan 25. Mnuchin is visiting Britain Saturday for high level discussion­s on trade following his visit to the World Economic Forum in
Davos, Switzerlan­d.
(AP) United States Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin speaks at Chatham at House in London on Jan 25. Mnuchin is visiting Britain Saturday for high level discussion­s on trade following his visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d.

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