Arab Times

Experts to study microplast­ic pollution risk

‘A growing problem’


PORTLAND, Ore, Feb 24, (AP): Tiny bits of broken-down plastic smaller than a fraction of a grain of rice are turning up everywhere in oceans, from the water to the guts of fish and the poop of sea otters and giant killer whales.

Yet little is known about the effects of these “microplast­ics” – on sea creatures or humans.

“It’s such a huge endeavor to know how bad it is,” said Shawn Larson, curator of conservati­on research at the Seattle Aquarium. “We’re just starting to get a finger on the pulse.”

This week, a group of five-dozen microplast­ics researcher­s from major universiti­es, government agencies, tribes, aquariums, environmen­tal groups and even water sanitation districts across the US West is gathering in Bremerton, Washington, to tackle the issue. The goal is to create a mathematic­al risk assessment for microplast­ic pollution in the region similar to prediction­s used to game out responses to major natural disasters such as earthquake­s.

The largest of these plastic bits are 5 millimeter­s long, roughly the size of a kernel of corn, and many are much smaller and invisible to the naked eye.

They enter the environmen­t in many ways. Some slough off of car tires and wash into streams – and eventually the ocean – during rainstorms. Others detach from fleeces and spandex clothing in washing machines and are mixed in with the soiled water that drains from the machine. Some come from abandoned

themselves from high temperatur­es, especially children and the elderly. Honolulu Emergency Services Director Jim Howe urged residents to not leave children or pets in locked cars on hot days and advised surfers and stand-up paddleboar­ders to drink a liter of water before heading onto the water.

Columbus ship replicas sail:

Replicas of Christophe­r Columbus’ Niña and Pinta have arrived along Mississipp­i’s Gulf Coast, sailing into a Biloxi harbor as spectators aimed their fishing gear, and still more are the result of the eventual breakdown of the millions of straws, cups, water bottles, plastic bags and other singleuse plastics thrown out each day.

Research into their potential impact on everything from tiny single-celled organisms to larger mammals like sea otters is just getting underway.

“This is an alarm bell that’s going to ring loud and strong,” said Stacey Harper, an associate professor at Oregon State University who helped organize the conference. “We’re first going to prioritize who it is that we’re concerned about protecting: what organisms, what endangered species, what regions. And that will help us hone in ... and determine the data we need to do a risk assessment.”


A study published last year by Portland State University found an average of 11 micro-plastic pieces per oyster and nine per razor clam in the samples taken from the Oregon coast. Nearly all were from microfiber­s from fleece or other synthetic clothing or from abandoned fishing gear, said Elise Granek, study co-author.

Scientists at the San Francisco Estuary Institute found significan­t amounts of microplast­ic washing into the San Francisco Bay from storm runoff over a three-year sampling period that ended last year. Researcher­s believe the black, rubbery bits no bigger than a grain of sand are likely from car tires, said Rebecca Sutton, senior scientist at the institute. They will present their findings at the conference.

Those studying the phenomenon are worried about the health of creatures living in the ocean – but also, possibly, the health of humans.

Some of the concern stems from an unusual twist unique to plastic pollution. Because plastic is made from fossil fuels and contains hydrocarbo­ns, it attracts and absorbs other pollutants in the water, such as PCBs and pesticides, said Andrew Mason, the Pacific Northwest regional coordinato­r for the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion’s marine debris program.

“There’s a lot of research that still needs to be done, but these plastics have the ability to mine harmful chemicals that are in the environmen­t. They can accumulate them,” said Mason. “Everything, as it goes up toward the top, it just gets more and more and the umbrella gets wider. And who sits at the top of the food chain? We do. That’s why these researcher­s are coming together, because this is a growing problem, and we need to understand those effects.”

Researcher­s say bans on plastic bags, Styrofoam carry-out containers and single-use items like straws and plastic utensils will help when it comes to the tiniest plastic pollution. Some jurisdicti­ons have also recently begun taking a closer look at the smaller plastic bits that have the scientific community so concerned.

phones out to the horizon.

About a dozen spectators lined a pier Wednesday as the ships arrived.

Christophe­r Columbus sailed across the Atlantic on the Niña on his three voyages of discovery to the New World beginning in 1492.

He was long celebrated in the US, and is honored with a federal holiday – but in 1992, with the 500th anniversar­y of his first transatlan­tic voyage, more voices joined in the call for a reckoning with the brutal aspects of his legacy. (AP)

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