Arab Times

Boeing seeks to maintain tax break


OLYMPIA, Wash, Feb 24, (AP): Washington state lawmakers introduced bills Wednesday,at The Boeing Co’s request, to suspend the aerospace giant’s preferenti­al business and occupation tax rate unless the United States and European Union reach an agreement on their longrunnin­g internatio­nal trade dispute that would allow the lower tax rate.

Democratic Sen Marko Liias and Democratic House Majority Leader Rep Pat Sullivan are the sponsors of the companion bills in the Senate and House. Under the legislatio­n, starting on April 1, the company will no longer receive the 40% tax break that the Legislatur­e adopted for the aerospace industry in 2003, which was expanded in 2013.

Last year, the World Trade Organizati­on body ruled that Boeing received an illegal US tax break from Washington state that damaged sales by European archrival Airbus.

The decision by the WTO’s appellate body considered whether the United States had complied with a 2012 ruling that found that planemaker and defense company Boeing received at least $5 billion in subsidies prohibited under internatio­nal trade rules.

But the ruling was limited and the decision found no grounds upon which the European bloc could seek damages from an arbitrator, except for the relatively small Washington state tax program - which the US says was worth $100 million a year.

In a statement, Boeing spokesman Bryan Watt said Wednesday that the company advocated for and supports the legislativ­e action to “resolve the sole finding against the United States in the long-running trade disputes between Europe and the United States over government support for the production of large commercial airplanes.”

“This legislatio­n demonstrat­es the

Grounded Boeing 737 MAX airplanes fill a parking area adjacent to Boeing Field, Feb 19, in Seattle. Washington state lawmakers say they will introduce bills, at The Boeing Co’s request, to suspend the aerospace giant’s preferenti­al business and occupation tax rate until the United States and European Union resolve their long-running internatio­nal trade dispute. (AP)

commitment of Washington - and of the United States - to fair and rulesbased trade, and to compliance with the WTO’s rulings,” he said.

In December, a WTO panel ruled that the European Union has not complied with an order to end illegal subsidies for plane-maker Airbus, which prompted the Trump administra­tion to impose tariffs on nearly $7.5 billion worth of EU goods in October.

“Now is the time for Airbus and the European Union to finally come into compliance by ending illegal launch aid subsidies once and for all and addressing the harm they have caused the United States aerospace industry and its workers,” Watt said.

Liias said in a statement a legislativ­e solution was a “critically important issue for our state’s economy.”

“We share Boeing’s concern that retaliator­y tariffs will hurt not only our state’s aircraft industry, but other

Washington-based exporters and family-wage jobs here in Washington,” Liias wrote.

Sullivan said that that goal of the legislatio­n is to “protect familywage, good-paying jobs provided by the aerospace industry and other sectors that will be impacted by tariffs if the legislatur­e does not act this session.”

Gov Jay Inslee said he would be working with lawmakers and Boeing officials to expedite the bill.

“There is broad agreement in Olympia that we need to act this session to address the WTO issue in order to avoid retaliator­y tariffs that would damage not just our commercial aircraft industry, but other important Washington exports,” he said in a written statement.

The bills are not subject to normal legislativ­e deadlines because they’re considered necessary to implement the budget. The 60-day legislativ­e session ends March 12.

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