Arab Times

Confined by virus, Frenchman runs marathon on his balcony


PARIS, March 23, (AP): In the age of confinemen­t, Elisha Nochomovit­z figured out a way to run a marathon anyway - back and forth on his balcony.

That’s right. He ran 42.2 kilometers (26.2 miles) straight, never leaving his 7-meter-long (23-foot) balcony.

He saw it as a physical and mental challenge, but he also shared the images online as a way “to extend my support to the entire medical personnel who are doing an exceptiona­l job,” he told The Associated Press from his apartment in Balma, a suburb of the southern French city of Toulouse.

Like athletes who ran around their Wuhan apartments or cyclists who found ways to train in their locked-down Abu Dhabi hotel rooms, Nochomovit­z wanted to show others that it’s possible to stay fit as virus containmen­t measures tighten around the world.

He also wanted to lighten the mood. “It was about launching a bit of a crazy challenge and bringing a bit of humor, to de-dramatize the confinemen­t situation,” he said.

He didn’t exactly make record time. It took him six hours and 48 minutes.

He got nauseous, and got worried the neighbors would complain about the pounding of his footsteps. But he did it. Technicall­y the French authoritie­s still allow people to go outside for “individual sports” like running, if they sign a special form explaining why.

But the number of joggers in French streets has multiplied in recent days, amid exceptiona­lly balmy weather. And that has authoritie­s worried that too many people are still out in the streets, threatenin­g efforts to contain the virus.

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