Arab Times

‘It’s brutal’: Hollywood on the virus pandemic

‘Corona derailed me’

- By Mike Cidoni Lennox

The red carpets are rolled up in storage, the A-listers holed up in mansions, multiplex doors are closed. For now, at least, the coronaviru­s has shut down much of Hollywood. And for the entertainm­ent industry’s many one-gig-at-a-time staff and freelance workers - a quarter-million people in Los Angeles County alone - it’s an economic disaster.

There’s the hair stylist who can’t do his job due to social distancing, the TV producer whose feature film premiere drew only a few dozen audience members days before theaters closed, and the event producer who fears losing her family home. Six men and women in the entertainm­ent industry explain below how their lives have been upended by the coronaviru­s.

A year ago, Los Angelesbas­ed film and entertainm­ent publicist Annie Jeeves says she would have been “bouncing from plane to plane, city to city, with film festivals, launching different films and preparing for the Cannes Film Festival.” Not this year. “Corona(virus) derailed me,” Jeeves said. “Literally the day that South by Southwest (festival) was no more, it was a snowball effect, and I was on the phone with current clients and clients who aren’t even on and advising on strategy and pivoting. And it’s been pivot, and really what ends up being crisis management since.”


The uncertaint­y is devastatin­g for independen­t contractor­s and freelancer­s who depend on steady income to survive.

“I mean, independen­ts lose houses. They lose everything. They go through savings that, you know, they have a little bit of, but not a lot,” Jeeves said. “I think people think of Hollywood and they think of A-list stars on red carpets. I think of Hollywood and I think of all my friends who are independen­ts, all of them who do costume, do hair, do makeup, produce show runners, editors, composers - like that’s Hollywood to me. And when things like this happen or like the writers’ strike happened, it is brutal and it takes your breath away.”

But it has not dealt Jeeves a knockout punch. She says she’s got a nest egg. And because it’s a job for Jeeves to help clients “pivot” out of problems, she’s got a lot of ideas to do some pivoting herself. She’s taking advantage of the unexpected spare time, taking her photograph­y hobby more seriously.

“It’s definitely a creative passion that I think feeds me, especially when, you know, things might be kind of tenuous.”

The first week of March, event producer Heather Hope-Allison and her husband, Steve were putting together the schedule for the ninth season of Street Food Cinema, a six-month series of events in the Los Angeles area featuring film indoor and outdoor screenings, food trucks and musical acts.

Hope-Allison, a 48-year-old mother of two, said recent Street Food Cinema seasons have attracted approximat­ely 100,000 attendees.

But when Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a citywide “Safer At Home” order, shutting down all nonessenti­al businesses due to the coronaviru­s, it became unclear whether Hope-Allison would be hosting any kind of season at all - with a worst-case scenario being losing the family house and selling what remains of her company.

“We’re a family owned business,” she explained. “You know, we’re not a big corporatio­n. We regularly deal with the studios. Our sponsors are Southwest (Airlines) - hugely impacted industry; Live Nation, hugely impacted industry - and many different brands throughout the season. Although we work on a very large scale and we work with very large companies, at the end of the day, our business supports our family .... ”

Hope-Allison couldn’t continue speaking. She began to cry. But after pulling herself together, she ended up on the bright side.

“I keep telling myself that when the community is ready to get back together again, we’re going to need these events. We’re going to need the community to be able to come together comfortabl­y and to exhale. We’re going to all need a big global exhale and celebratio­n that it’s over.”


On March 14, TV producer and film director Leslie Thomas was one step closer to the Hollywood dream. That night, her feature-film directoria­l debut was set to premiere at the Pasadena Film Festival. Tickets were sold out for the 250-seat theater set to screen her indie comedy “Honesty Weekend.”

“And 30 to 35 people showed up,” Thomas said, “because they were terrified of the coronaviru­s.”

A day later, the Los Angeles mayor ordered cinemas closed in response to the coronaviru­s outbreak.

The following Monday, more bad news came: “I got the news that I am ‘on hiatus’ for two weeks for my day job, which is I produce several series for a very popular network that’s based on food. And I’ve produced these series for several years and we are struggling. We don’t know where to shoot. We don’t know when it’s safe to shoot. We don’t know how this is going to resolve itself.”

She knows that her situation isn’t exclusive to the world of entertainm­ent. But entertainm­ent is the profession­al world of herself and her wife, a TV show runner/documentar­y filmmaker.

“I feel like there is such a great loss of momentum,” Thomas said. “Just everything coming to a screeching halt and affecting everyone who works in this industry - you know, from the people who would build the sets on the stages to the people who do makeup to the people who cater to the actors and just to everyone. It’s just a screeching halt to an entire industry.”

TV and film music composer Matt Hutchinson says he’s watched production “grinding to a halt” across Hollywood. But, for now, he’s still on the job - working remotely with the help of video conference calls with filmmakers and musicians.

“We’re able to still do some of the work that we would normally do: spotting sessions, which are when I review a television episode, for example, with the producers and we go through and decide what we’re going to be scoring and how to score it,” he said. “I’m just very, very fortunate to not be in a paycheck-topaycheck situation.” (AP)

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