Arab Times

US, UK brace for soaring death tolls

Deaths, new infections appear to be slowing in Europe


LONDON, April 7, (AP): The United States and Britain braced for one of their bleakest weeks in living memory as the social and financial toll of the coronaviru­s pandemic deepened. New infections in Italy, Spain and France showed signs of slowing, but hundreds of patients were still dying each day.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was infected last month, was hospitaliz­ed overnight in what his office described as a “precaution­ary step” after persistent symptoms. The 55-year-old Conservati­ve leader, who had a fever for days, is the first known head of government to fall ill with the disease.

He remained at the helm of the government and was awaiting test results Monday.

“(I’m) sure this is very frustratin­g for him ... (but) nonetheles­s he’s still very much in charge,’’ Housing and Communitie­s Secretary Robert Jenrick told the BBC. Still, Jenrick did not rule out a longer hospitaliz­ation.

World shares rose after some hard-hit European areas saw glimmers of hope – deaths and new infections appeared to be slowing in Spain, Italy and France. Leaders cautioned, however, that any gains could easily be reversed if people did not continue to adhere to strict social distancing measures and national lockdowns. Benchmarks were up about 3% in Paris and Frankfurt and Tokyo jumped more than 4%.

In Washington, US Surgeon General Jerome Adams offered a stark warning about the surge of coronaviru­s deaths the nation is facing.


“This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment,’’ he told “Fox News Sunday.”

More than 9,600 people have died of the virus in the United States, and it leads the world in confirmed infections at more than 337,000.

In New York City, the US epicenter of the pandemic, daily confirmed deaths dropped slightly, along with intensive care admissions and the number of patients who needed breathing tubes. But New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned it was “too early to tell” whether the good news would hold.

US President Donald Trump later suggested the hard weeks ahead could foretell the turning of a corner.

“We’re starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,” Trump claimed at an White House briefing.

Louisiana health officials reported 68 more coronaviru­s-related deaths, the state’s biggest jump since the outbreak began. In all, the state where New Orleans hosts millions of tourists yearly has 477 reported deaths and over 13,000 infections.

Italy still has, by far, the world’s

highest coronaviru­s death toll – almost 16,000 – but the pressure on northern Italy’s intensive care units has eased so much that Lombardy is no longer airlifting patients out to other regions.

Yet elderly Italians like Enrico Giacomoni were still dying alone even after being put on a ventilator. His family had to rely on a single daily update from a busy doctor.

“He wasn’t expecting this,” said his son, Roberto. “He was there hoping things would get better, and all I could do was tell him, ‘Papa, be strong. You’ll see, this will pass.’”

“But his eyes were sad, in the sense that he obviously knew,” he added.

In Spain, deaths and new infections dropped again Monday. The country’s health ministry reported 637 new deaths, the lowest fatality toll in 13 days, for a total of over 13,000 dead since the pandemic hit. New recorded infections were also the lowest in two weeks.

“The growth rate of the pandemic is decreasing in almost all regions,” Health Ministry official María José Sierra said.

Yet Britain’s outbreak was headed in the opposite direction as the country reported more than 600 deaths Sunday, surpassing Italy’s daily increase for the second day in a row.

In a rare televised address, Queen Elizabeth II appealed to Britons to rise to the occasion, while acknowledg­ing enormous disruption­s, grief and financial difficulti­es they are facing. In the midst of the speech Sunday night, Johnson was admitted to the hospital.

“I hope in the years to come, everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge,” the 93-year-old monarch said. “And those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any.”

Lacking enough for protective gear against the virus, British doctors and nurses were using goggles from school science classes, holding their breath when close to patients and repeatedly reusing single-use masks, Dr. Rinesh Parmar, head of Doctors’ Associatio­n UK, told Sky News.

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