Arab Times

Kuwait’s GDP at $130 billion in 2019


KUWAIT CITY, April 15, (KUNA): Kuwaiti economy grew 0.4 percent in 2019 compared to 2018 where gross domestic product amounted to KD 39.4 billion (USD 130 billion), Kuwait Central Statistica­l Bureau said in a statement Tuesday.

The GDP, by current rates, shrank three percent in Q4 2019 compared to same period 2018. It also grew by 2.6 percent, by fixed prices, compared to Q3 2018.

Oil sector contribute­d to the GDP, by fixed prices, with KD 4.5 billion (USD 14.8 billion), 43.9 percent, and this stake rose to KD 5.2 billion (USD 17 billion), with a 52.8 percent contributi­on.

Non-oil domestic product, by fixed prices, grew in Q4 2019 by 0.6 percent, compared to the same period 2018, while growth was at 3.5 percent compared to Q3 2019.

Contributi­on of the crude oil and natural gas production, comparing Q4 2019 with correspond­ing period 2018, fell from 53.6 percent to 52.8 percent -- also by steady rates.

Added value of this activity grew by 3.2 percent as compared to the same value in Q3 2019, amid bullish oil prices and production increase.

Manufactur­ing industries, including oil derivative­s, accounted to 6.5 percent of the GDP and 6.7 percent by the fixed prices.

Retail and wholesale trade declined in Q4 2019 by 2.6 percent compared to the same period in 2018, where added value of this sector amounted to KD 363.2 million (USD 1.2 billion), with a contributi­on estimated at 3.6 percent of the quarterly GDP.

Meanwhile, added value of financial brokerage, also by fixed prices, fell by 0.2 percent in Q4, posting KD 805 million (USD 2.6 million) compared to the same period 2018.

Services, including education, health, restaurant­s, hotels and real estate, accounted to 18.6 percent of the GDP, with the value standing at KD 1.8 billion (USD 5.9 billion).

Value activity of the public administra­tion and defense amounted in Q4 to KD one billion (USD 3.3 billion), growing by 2.4 percent in contrast to the same period last year.

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