Arab Times

‘We possess the honor...’

Other Voices


OBy Ahmad alsarraf

n April 14, Mubarak AlDuwailah wrote in Al-Qabas newspaper that one of the societies apologized for providing assistance to a “bedoun” woman. His words only apply to the Humanitari­an Friendship Society and we have previously, explained on dozens of occasions, the reason for our “temporary apology’.

We will assume that we doubt the intentions of Al-Duwailah because he did not see any of our interpreta­tions and our reasons for that apology, however the doubt evaporated when we knew the frequent referral to the owner of the society (and I am not the owner of it) to legal accountabi­lity at the Ministry of Social Affairs due to the many violations and of the society. Of course, this is not true.

Al-Duwailah was not satisfied with that, but he wrote, ‘claiming’ he had finally heard of my referral to investigat­ion. This is also not true, and I do not know what psychologi­cal pleasure, or the complex of honor, which leads some to fabricate such news?

Al-Duwailah also previously tweeted on April 6, 1:49 pm. The tweet read, “The official authoritie­s had summoned me and criticized me harshly due to the many violations of my society. This is also incorrect and silly repetition against a famous charity run by a distinguis­hed board of directors who work with clean hands and their biographie­s is a testimony to what I say.”

The truth is that the Ministry of Social Affairs asked us to stop the payment to hundreds of affected workers in cash. We tried to show the difficulty of replacing cash with checks, but the ministry insisted on it for fundamenta­l reasons and we both know, we have written a pledge to abide by its instructio­ns, and the matter ended. There was neither rebuke, nor investigat­ion, interrogat­ion, nor any whatever you may call it – nonsense and absurditie­s.

Returning to the topic of ‘our apology’ for providing aid to the Bedoun, we refer the questioner to the truth of our position to the tweet of Sheikh Hamad Al-Sinan, who is close to the Muslim Brotherhoo­d, in which he said: Charity committees collected 9 million dinars. All the Bedoun brothers whom I helped and those whom I


know said: “We have got nothing and were told that they were given their usual quarterly aid, and one of them said: I got a basket of food worth 6 dinars, so how can you account for 9 million dinars you collected? Where is the money for the needy gone?”

In our turn, we refer Mr Hamad Al-Sinan’s question to brother AlDuwailah, so that he can devote himself to it and leave us alone as he and others are unable to find inside the Humanitari­an Friendship Associatio­n, or us, one fault or a violation that deserves legal accountabi­lity.

On another side, and with reference to our article, “Whoever elected Al-Mutair,” I read the following tweet from Muhammad Al-Mutair: “My mediation in the issue of a perfume factory shut down by the Ministry of Commerce, I say this is a false rumor, and I challenge those who utter it to come up with a letter that proves the same.”

In response to the tweet, and to deny it, we will come with a full statement, and not just one word, to indicate the “invalidity” of his tweet, as the Workers Union of the Public Authority for Industry issued the following (Al-Qabas 4/4/2020): The Board of Directors of the Workers Union at the Public Authority for Industry issued a statement yesterday, against the background of the attack by MP Muhammad Al-Mutair on the inspectors of the authority regarding the closure of a violating factory in the Al-Rai area.

The union’s board of directors said in the statement that the national duty of your sons, the inspectors towards their homeland, through which they follow all industrial establishm­ents and trade in Kuwait, requires all leaders in various parts of the state and the nation’s representa­tives (deputies) to encourage them, take their hands off, refine them, give them confidence and incentive for their national work, not frustrate their determinat­ion or comment.

I am not an angel and I will not be, but I am definitely not ready, in any way, to tell a lie repeating over and over again. This is above my energy as a normal human being.

Thus one needs to wash his face, as we say in the vernacular, with a specific means of possessing all that boldness in fabricatin­g lies when wanting to do wrong or unacceptab­le work, lies only at the beginning, then it becomes easy with repetition.


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