Arab Times

Tehran regime, may your words match your actions


- By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

FROM time to time, Iranian officials issue jumbled statements concerning the importance of bettering relations between Tehran and the Gulf capitals in a bid to ensure security and stability in the region which has no other option apart from cooperatio­n and friendship among its countries.

Such statements bring to mind the adage: “actions speak louder than words”.

This “goodwill” vibe firstly needs a clear and specific Iranian roadmap that can specify how the Mullahs regime would stop interferin­g in the affairs of its neighbors in the region and cease its support for terrorist groups, destructiv­e militias, and sleeper (and awake) cells recruited here and there. It should also stop its direct aggression towards the people of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and all Arab coalition countries.

Furthermor­e, the Mullahs should realize that Arab national security is an integrated unit, and there is no separation between the internal situations of Iraq, Lebanon or Syria where there Iranian presence is prevalent through sectarian militias on which billions are spent.

Therefore, if Iran is really seeking good neighborly relations with the regional countries, it must start by changing its entire agenda, such as its ambition to export its revolution; otherwise any statement in this regard would merely be a smokescree­n. This is because the countries of the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) have tested Iran over and over again and tried to trust it, but Tehran fails every time to honor what it claims.

The fact that a great country like Iran has reached such miserable condition is the most severe affliction a country can sustain. Its people are held hostage in the hands of oppressive elite that show no considerat­ion in honoring the most basic human rights.

Iranians have a great history, and they have enormous potential. If only their potentials were used for developmen­t purposes, the region would have achieved great benefits. One wonders if this great nation was expecting all these miseries from the Khomeini revolution.

In this regard, it is necessary for the observer to go back to history in order to study the fate of revolution­s in what is referred as the Third World, especially in the modern world.

We begin with the 1952 revolution that was led by Jamal AbdulNasse­r against King Farouq of Egypt. The new government system impoverish­ed the Egyptians and isolated Egypt, which only managed to restore the confidence of the world in the year 1973 with the Ramadan War.

Similar is the case with Iraq in 1958 after the military officers toppled the monarch. Instead of completing the developmen­t process that the state had begun, the new order brought about regress in almost every sector including industry, agricultur­e, and urbanizati­on.

Iraq went through a series of coups until Saddam Hussein took control of the country. However, his era started with a bloodbath, followed by the eight-year war with Iran, and he then went on to commit the heinous crime of invading the State of Kuwait on Aug 2, 1990.

Saddam brought to his country internatio­nal sanctions which starved and impoverish­ed his people. His rule ended with the United

States of America’s occupation of Iraq, leaving behind a country that appeared as if it was still in the 19th century. Today, Iraq is mired in ruins and is controlled by militias who are Iranian-bred to the core.

In the 1970s when Khomeini began his movement against the Shah, Saddam Hussein had sent Muhammad Reza Pahlavi a message stating, “If you wish, we are ready to arrest or eliminate him (Khomeini).” However, the Shah was merciful at the time, and he replied, “The man poses no threat that we cannot handle. So we reject the offer to arrest or eliminate him.”

The situation changed when Tehran’s interests conflicted with the interests of some major capitals and led to cooperatio­n between its intelligen­ce and Khomeini, especially after the October War in 1973 when the Shah of Iran announced his intention to render the oil price at about $80 per barrel. This led France and the US to support Khomeini’s movement and help it topple the Shah regime.

This historic mistake created a terrorist regime par excellence that poses a great threat to regional and internatio­nal security through the implementa­tion of a policy of harming neighborin­g countries and engaging in terrorism.

There is no doubt that this bloody history of Tehran regime will not reassure the Arab-GCC capitals in terms of its false propositio­ns and offers. They will not take the deceptive diplomatic statements seriously unless the words match the deeds as far as Tehran is concerned. Once that is achieved, the rest will fall into place, given that whatever Iran managed to lose due to the practices of the Mullahs regime will only be recovered by establishi­ng a regime that is true and sincere to its people. Without this, there would be no popular and internatio­nal legitimacy for a regime that is obsessed with conspiracy, murder, repression and terrorism.

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