Arab Times

Art of distorting facts

- By Ahmad alsarraf e-mail: To be continued

What is the position of a cleric or preacher who issues fatwas in hundreds of cases, declares in various matters, allows, prohibits, supports this opinion or that position, attacks others, and continues on the same approach for thirty or forty years, followed by millions and suddenly changes his attitudes?

He is changed to an extent that he agrees in everything what he once forbid, permits what he was warning others against, praises those who were once enemies, and becomes hostile to those who once were friends, and issues opinions that contradict­s radically with what he had said for decades, however his followers and those who adopt his opinion believe in his position, then is he to blame if he returns and changes his mind again and again?

The answer is NO, he is not to blame because he remains an individual seeking personal interest, and can change his opinions by money or order of the authority and therefore the problem is not him but in the ignorant people who follow him, donate to his fund and buy his books and seek to listen to him and defend his views and positions and insist on learning from the sea of his ignorance.

These peoples are the same that admired, loved, and elevated some of these persons to the point of holiness because of their ignorance of the truth that requires effort and time to reach it. Admiring them is not the same as admiring many singers, actors, or artistes. These people were always heard and followed by millions, and their numbers increase as their madness or creativity increases, and this is life.

There is also a third category, and they are neither artistes nor preachers, who have earned millions in our own countries who are followed by many who also believe their opinions seriously and believe in their analyzes, and argue against those who disagree with them in their admiration despite all the fluctuatio­ns and anxieties of their personalit­ies and loss of credibilit­y.

It is so strange that our peoples are amused and attracted by demagoguer­y and with the talk of the conspiracy, and enjoy listening to stories that have no basis, and this may be due to the state of defeatism that they live in which motivates them to follow these people and believe everything without making a simple effort in making sure of the truth of what they listen to, and this is a sad state of ignorance and we must admit that.

The vast majority have no time to read a serious article that does not take a minute or two to read, let alone books and studies while the same majority does not hesitate to sit in front of the TV and listen to a series of interviews that lasts for hours and believe in everything contained in them for their love for those who excite and satisfy their defeated souls and stir their instincts and give them false hope.

We are not worse than others, and I do not ask everyone to read and understand, but I call upon those who read my words not to believe everything, for the foxes abound around us, and the numbers of the pedantic wishing to drown us in the sea of intoleranc­e and ignorance have increased.

Also, our counterfei­ters and holders of fake certificat­es took control of our capabiliti­es, and it is time for us to doubt everything and not believe something before asking or reading about it.

Distorting the facts has become a science and an elaborate craft; add to them the pedantic and the pioneers of fanaticism.

 ??  ?? alsarraf

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