Arab Times

Pompeo in Israel to talk annexation of West Bank


JERUSALEM, May 13, (AP): US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Wednesday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Israel’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank, as Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinia­n teen in a clash with stone-throwers in the occupied territory.

Pompeo’s brief visit came at a tense time, as Israeli troops searched for the killers of a soldier killed a day earlier by a rock dropped from a rooftop during an army raid of a West Bank village.

With President Donald Trump facing election in November, Netanyahu and his nationalis­t base are eager to move ahead quickly with annexing portions of the West Bank. Annexation is expected to appeal to Trump’s pro-Israel evangelica­l supporters, but is also bound to trigger widespread internatio­nal condemnati­on. It would crush already faint Palestinia­n hopes of establishi­ng a viable state alongside Israel, on lands Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

Pompeo landed in Tel Aviv early Wednesday, donning a red, white and blue face mask, and headed directly to Jerusalem, receiving an exemption from Israel’s mandatory two-week quarantine for arrivals due to the coronaviru­s outbreak. He is the first foreign official to visit Israel since January, before the country largely shut its borders to curb the pandemic.

Standing alongside Pompeo, Netanyahu said the six-hour visit is a “testament to the strength of our alliance.” The two said their talks would focus on shared concerns about Iran, the battle against the coronaviru­s and Israel’s incoming government.

Netanyahu and his new coalition partner, Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz, postponed the swearing-in of their government until Thursday to accommodat­e Pompeo’s visit. Pompeo also met with Gantz and with his fellow retired military chief Gabi Ashkenazi, the new government’s incoming foreign minister.

Neither Netanyahu nor Pompeo mentioned Wednesday’s violence in southern West Bank. The Palestinia­n health ministry said a 15-year-old boy was killed in confrontat­ions with Israeli forces near the city of Hebron. It said four others were wounded by live fire, the ministry said. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli military.

On Tuesday, an Israeli soldier was killed in the northern West Bank after being struck in the head with a rock thrown off a rooftop. The military said it had arrested 10 suspects.

Pompeo expressed his condolence on the soldier’s death and said “Israel has the right to defend itself and America will consistent­ly support you in that effort.”

One of the key items on the agenda in Pompeo’s talks Wednesday was expected to be Israel’s stated intention to annex parts of the West Bank.

Pompeo said “there remains work yet to do and we need to make progress on that.” Ahead of the visit, Pompeo told the Israeli daily Israel Hayom on Tuesday that he was coming to hear Netanyahu and Gantz’s views on the matter.

Netanyahu and Gantz struck a powershari­ng deal last month after three parliament­ary elections over the past year resulted in stalemate. Under the deal, Netanyahu would remain prime minister for the next 18 months, even as he goes on trial on charges of fraud, accepting bribes and breach of trust. After a year and a half, Gantz will serve as prime minister for 18 months.

The agreement also stipulates that Netanyahu can advance plans to annex West Bank land, including dozens of Jewish settlement­s, starting July 1. The deal says such a move must be coordinate­d with the US while considerin­g regional stability and peace agreements.

Under the Trump plan unveiled in January, the Palestinia­ns would have limited statehood while Israel would annex some 30% of the West Bank. The Palestinia­ns have rejected the plan.

Netanyahu said the new government offered “an opportunit­y to promote peace and security based on the understand­ings I reached with President Trump.”

Israeli hard-liners are eager to unilateral­ly redraw the Mideast map before November’s US presidenti­al election.

Annexation would also give Trump an accomplish­ment to shore up his pro-Israel base, particular­ly politicall­y influentia­l evangelica­l Christian voters. Wednesday’s meeting could provide an indication of how far the administra­tion is willing to allow Netanyahu to move.

The presumptiv­e Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has said he opposes unilateral annexation plans by Israel.

Israel captured the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in the 1967 Mideast war. The Palestinia­ns seek these territorie­s for a future independen­t state. In the decades since, Israel has built settlement­s in the West Bank and east Jerusalem that now house nearly 700,000 Israelis. Most of the internatio­nal community considers these settlement­s a violation of internatio­nal law and obstacles to peace.

In November, Pompeo stated that the administra­tion no longer believed that Israel’s West Bank settlement­s were inconsiste­nt with internatio­nal law.

But Netanyahu’s plans to annex occupied West Bank territory have drawn fierce criticism. The Arab League has said annexation would be a “war crime.” And the European Union, as well as individual member states, have warned of tough consequenc­es if Israel moves forward.

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