Arab Times

‘Flare-up seen in Arab-Israeli dispute’

‘Patience wears thin in Mideast region’


“I THINK the most important question that still grips the minds of those who are concerned about the Arab-Zionist struggle – be they ordinary people living inside the Zionist occupied territorie­s or in both the Arab and the Islamic regions – is, how the future of Israel will be and which direction it will take?” columnist Fakhri Hashem Al-Sayed

Rajab wrote for Al-Qabas daily. “Certainly, the above question has been repeatedly asked a long time ago by many Israeli leaders including the former commander of the Israeli Air Force General Amos Lapidot who was quoted as saying at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology at Haifa, marking the 62nd anniversar­y of the foundation of the state of Israel that ‘Israel is currently at the crossroads which is likely to lead to progress and boom or deteriorat­ion and downfall’.

“‘He added, Israel is currently facing a real danger that threatens its existence, particular­ly since we know that the Middle East is currently tired and exhausted to such an extent this part of the world is on the verge of attrition’.

“Lapidot went on to say, ‘unfortunat­ely all of us are living this reality’. He added, ‘Let us ignore all the prediction­s and forecasts, because they have no place in the realm of the politics, so let us deal with the reality reasonably, hoping we shall protect even an iota of reality.”

“However, I would like to say here that Israel is based on the idea of ‘homeland for the Jews’, as such this homeland should be the Jews only to live in as ghetto, separated and distinguis­hed from the peoples on our planet. It is no secret that the Jews are arrogant in nature and they still believe they are the masters of the world.

“It is needless to say it is not a presumptio­n, because their thought is isolationi­st and racist and this is evident through their statements they make about peace which they acquire through suspicious treaties and agreements which are tailored to guarantee the persist in their racism.

“In this context, we cite the separation wall that is built in the West Bank to isolate them from the Arabs in that part of Palestine. Not just that, they have downed requests from Arab students to live among Jewish students in the same accommodat­ion in the city of Safad.

“As a matter of fact, the Zionists fear real peace based on amalgamati­on among the peoples in the Middle East, because the idea of amalgamati­on basically contradict­s with the Zionist idea which mostly depends on the military method to govern the pattern of their life.

“In this connection, we cite a clash that occurred between the Jewish settlers and the religious people inside the Israeli army due to talk about shutting down some isolated Jewish settlement­s in the West Bank – the idea that was definitely rejected by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who considers the Israeli army as a redline.

“Here, I would like mention what is attributed to the French leader Napoleon Bonaparte who once said, ‘You will not be in a position to remain on the tip of the spear for good.’

“Speaking of the so called ‘Deal of the Century’, as a matter of fact, there are a set of grounds that have resulted in this deal to become a title for all political talks, given the fact this title ‘engulfs an Israeli victory undeniable by us.

“In the meantime, we have observed that this victory can be seen as a mockery. Yes, the Arab weakness in midst of this struggle has constitute­d a significan­t and basic support to the deal, but will not last for good, because the changes at all levels will not be halted in spite of the tremendous Israeli economic and military might.

“Personally speaking, I see that this might always remain tense because it is foremost remains on the verge of catastroph­e, and the social structure of this entity will not be in a position to undertake a peaceful task capable to co-exist with the peoples of the Middle East.

“Consequent­ly, I see, it will be impossible for the victory of this entity to last long, because it is temporary and its foundation­s are not solid. Moreover, there is no joint history for the components of this entity because they have come from various areas throughout the world and belong to various nationalit­ies.

“In other words, the isolation of the components of the Israel will not continue even if they are assembled in the most significan­t universiti­es and hospitals. Moreover, the foreign policies of the great powers are not fixed, given the fact that the state of the Israeli entity mostly depends on the support of these powers.

“Returning to the Arab nation, we are still alive capable of waking up and this means that it will be unreasonab­le to see all Arab civilizati­ons, values and principles, disappeari­ng during a specific exceptiona­l period of time.

“However, I am not waiting for an Arab spring or a Western summer rather I am talking about the might of the right and logic. I am talking about a forthcomin­g action … it is Palestine… it is Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“In other words, is it reasonable that the nation of Islam will destroy its holy places? It is needless to say that the Arab deficit is obvious. Yes, but I am positive that the pledge of the Almighty Allah is true.”


“We pray to Almighty Allah to bestow His mercy upon our senior teachers who taught us during the 1960s. In the meantime, we pray to Almighty Allah to reward them with permanent paradise,” columnist Abdulaziz Al-Tamimi wrote for Al-Shahed daily. “Most of these teachers were our Palestinia­n brothers who were reluctant to leave Palestine post the 1948 conspiracy (that resulted in the establishm­ent of Israel) to implement this notorious pledge that the ex-British foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour gave to the Jews on Nov 2, 1917.

“These genuine generation of teachers ingrained in the minds of all Arabs nationalis­m which constitute part and parcel of the Arab world that stretches from the Arabian Gulf to Morocco.

“For her part, Palestine represents the heart of the Arab nation -- the heart that bleeds because a group of the Zionists who have stabbed us -- and are looking forward to loot our wealth in collaborat­ion with a freak company of those who call themselves free Arabs although they are nothing but a bunch of traitors and agents of the occupying foe.

“In this context, we refer prior to the occupation of Palestine, Turkey had occupied the Syrian province of AlIskandar­one (in 1937), and before that the Persian Pahlavi had occupied Al-Mohammarah area (in 1926) followed by another crime that was committed in 1971 -- occupation of the three islands of United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Mousa).

“Anyway, during the period in question, we reached the ‘higher phase’ during which we were full of love towards of Arab brothers everywhere. We were looking forward to the sunrise of the Arab world, given the fact that this dream was destroyed by ‘Abu Haniya, Abu Al-Zahhar and Abu Dahya Al-Sakhrouti’ where they betrayed Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon Him) to the Jews for a few dirhams.

“However, today looks like yesterday, where Khaled Al-Meshaal is currently selling his cause to those who occupied Al-Mohammarah. In other words, he is involved in violating Gaza of Hashem and selling the grapes of Yemen and the palms of the Levant for a very cheap price.

“These traitors along with their followers are still involved in their conspiracy against the Arab nation. In other words, post Palestine, they lost Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, let alone their losses shamelessl­y continue.

“But the grandsons of our free teachers and the pioneers of the Arab nationalis­m still remain steadfast on the lands of Palestine to resist the occupation and the fire of its guns by their stones as well as by their strong will, where the latter will not sell Palestine against all money of the globe.

“In this connection, we praise the brave men including Abu Bassem, Abu Zaki and Abu Rima – the free Arabs whose their grandfathe­rs had said ‘no’ to the Zionist foe, and their grandsons are still repeating the same ‘no’ in the face of the Zionist machine-gun.

“These grandsons lost the weapon, but they have resorted to the stones and all the Mujahedin in various cities of Palestine including Nablus and Toulkarim have sincerely responded to these grandsons for the sake of liberating their homeland from the Zionist occupation and earn victory or martyrdom.

“Yes it is Palestine which has sincere men who stand in the face of those who love and worship the touman and the Turkish lira.

“In conclusion, we pray to Almighty Allah to bestow His mercy upon the martyrs from the Palestinia­ns towns of Dier Yaseen and Kafer Qassim as well as the heroes of the Arab nation. We shall return – God willing.”

“Sustainabl­e developmen­t has been delayed for many years compared to the sixties and seventies when we saw growth and developmen­t. Kuwait University, establishe­d as the only university, became a unique model in the region and a great edifice, as well as health facilities such as Al-Sabah, Al-Amiri and Chest hospitals, which have been working for many years while remaining old and worn out. The same thing goes for the Entertainm­ent City that was a great recreation­al edifice and an unpreceden­ted tourist landmark in the region, which sadly was closed,” Mishref Eqab wrote for Al-Shahed daily.

“The brothers in Gulf Cooperatio­n Council countries were visiting Kuwait to relax at the public parks and enjoy tourist recreation­al programs. We should mention Jahra Street and the sweetness of walking on it with shops on both sides. It was an outlet for everyone and all visitors to Kuwait from the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council countries.

“The wheel of sustainabl­e developmen­t has stopped for many years such that citizens are at a loss seeing the developmen­t taking place in other Gulf states and neighborin­g countries and bemoan its various developmen­t and life situations. Sadly, a single parliament­ary question narrows the government’s chest, even though in all democracie­s of the developed world, disputes are referred to the decisive factor.

“The law and parliament­ary system regulate the relationsh­ip between the parliament and the government. Every dispute, whatever the type or question, is dealt with in the Parliament, unlike ours, where the street is occupied and many statements are made by some members in a war of words and regret even though we always talk about cooperatio­n between the executive and legislativ­e authority.

“Do the people of Kuwait appreciate those who contribute­d to putting this great edifice, which is the constituti­on and democracy, because whenever there is any disagreeme­nt between the executive and the legislatur­e, the voices rise to dissolve the National Assembly? It seems that all the country’s problems are from the legislativ­e authority only, and the National Assembly and democracy are not a way of life and safety valve for Kuwait and its people. We have been very late in many areas of developmen­t.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb

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Al-Sayed Rajab

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