Arab Times

Iran has highest single-day death toll from coronaviru­s


TEHRAN, Iran, Oct 11, (AP): Iran announced on Sunday its highest single-day death toll from the coronaviru­s with 251 confirmed dead, the same day local media reported two senior officials had been infected and the nation’s currency plunged to its lowest level ever.

Health Ministry spokespers­on Sima Sadat Lari said the total confirmed death toll now stands at 28,544, making Iran the hardest-hit country in the region. Iran had just recently recorded its highest daily death toll four days earlier with 239 new fatalities.

A further 3,822 new cases were confirmed over the past 24 hour-period, raising recorded nationwide cases to 500,075. Nearly 4,500 patients are in critical condition.

Among those recently infected is the head of the country’s atomic energy organizati­on, the latest senior official to test positive for the virus.

The semioffici­al Tasnim news agency said Ali Akbar Salehi, who is also a vicepresid­ent of Iran, had confirmed positive for the virus last week and has been in home quarantine since. The news agency reported that his health condition is currently good.

A separate report by the news agency said the country’s vice-president in charge of budget and planning, Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, had also tested positive for the coronaviru­s.

Iran has struggled to contain the spread of the virus across this nation of 80 million people, initially beating it back only to see a spike in cases again, beginning in June. The government has largely resisted imposing wide-scale lockdowns as the economy teeters from continued US economic sanctions that effectivel­y bar Iran from selling its oil internatio­nally.

Money exchange shops in Tehran sold the US dollar at 315,000 rials on Sunday, compared to what was 32,000 rials to the dollar at the time of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Salehi is known internatio­nally as one of the key Iranian negotiator­s who took part in those nuclear talks. The deal curbed Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief, but President Donald Trump unilateral­ly withdrew the United States from the agreement in 2018 and reimposed crushing economic sanctions.

The currency plummeted further on Sunday after the Trump administra­tion’s decision on Thursday to blacklist 18 Iranian banks that had so far escaped the bulk of re-imposed sanctions. The move subjects non-Iranian financial institutio­ns to penalties for doing business with them, effectivel­y cutting the banks off from the internatio­nal financial system.

Meanwhile, Iran has seen several top officials contract the virus over past months, including senior Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri and Vice-President Massoumeh Ebtekar. A number of Cabinet ministers have also tested positive, including Tourism Minister Ali Asghar Mounesan and the former Industry Minister Reza Rahmani.

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