Arab Times

Senate Dems fundraisin­g puts GOP on ‘defensive’


WASHINGTON, Oct 13, (AP): Buoyed by massive fundraisin­g success, Democratic Senate candidates are mounting a push in Republican states that few would have thought possible just a few months ago, placing continued GOP control of the chamber at risk.

In South Carolina, Sen Lindsey Graham’s challenger, Democrat Jaime Harrison, shattered fundraisin­g records when he announced on Sunday a $57 million haul for the quarter that ended in September. MJ Hegar in Texas reported raising over $13 million during the same period for her race against Republican Sen John Cornyn. In deep-red Kentucky, Amy McGrath has posted strong fundraisin­g numbers against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In Mississipp­i, Mike Espy reported raising $4 million in his rematch against Republican Sen Cindy HydeSmith.

The windfall speaks to the energy coursing through a restive Democratic base that hopes not only to oust President Donald Trump, but also to flip control of the Senate, where Republican­s have a 53-47 majority. That will be key for Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden to enact his agenda, if he wins.

But the flood of money flowing to high-profile Senate candidates is so large, it’s not at all clear the recipients will have time to spend it. That may inadverten­tly short low-profile states and candidates who may not engender the same fervor from party activists and could use an infusion of resources. And since much of it is coming from donors outside their states, it’s an imperfect measure of the candidates’ chances – especially in red states.

“For Jaime Harrison and Amy McGrath, money can buy you a lot of TV advertisin­g,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and McConnell adviser. “But they are never going to have enough money to buy another 2 million liberal voters in South Carolina and Kentucky.”

The cautionary tale for these candidates is Texas Rep Beto O’Rourke, who in 2018 raised a record-breaking $80 million for his losing Senate campaign against Republican incumbent Ted Cruz, who was widely reviled by liberal activists and donors. O’Rourke was criticized for being too stingy with his cash, only reluctantl­y aiding other Democrats, though he eventually donated large amounts to the Texas Democratic Party.

That’s a position Harrison could soon find himself in. Public polling shows he’s locked in a tight race against Graham, a staunch defender of Trump’s who is leading Senate confirmati­on hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett this week. Barrett is the conservati­ve appellate court judge Trump picked to replace liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


In the days after Ginsburg’s death last month, over $100 million flooded in through ActBlue, Democrats’ fundraisin­g platform, with Harrison garnering a large chunk.

Harrison’s campaign manager, Zack Carroll, said the plan is to use “every dollar donated” for ads, digital organizing and communicat­ion.

But with TV largely saturated, there are limited avenues for him to productive­ly spend such a massive sum of money with just three weeks left before the election.

“I don’t think Jaime Harrison can spend $57 million in the next couple weeks. But that’s not his fault,” said Jefrey Pollock, a Democratic pollster who is working on eight Senate races. “At some point they’ll start sending that money to other places or spending down-ballot.”

The same could apply for McGrath, who is fighting an uphill battle against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. She has yet to release her most recent fundraisin­g figures, which must be made public by Thursday, but had pulled in $47 million this cycle as of July 1.

Democrats dismiss such concerns and say there’s no such thing as too much money. Plus, they argue, the wild success some have enjoyed has warped perception­s about what is needed.

“All of these challenger­s are doing well, and it’s hard to find a spot where Democrats are struggling at this point,” said Stewart Boss, a spokespers­on for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

The money to Democrats has heightened a sense of dread among Republican­s. They’ve watched as developmen­ts this year – including a global pandemic, a faltering economy and the president’s diagnosis of COVID-19 – have expanded the map of competitiv­e races.

Money has washed up in predictabl­e races where Democrats are mostly outspendin­g Republican­s, including Iowa, Michigan, Maine, North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona.

In Montana, the estimated $131 million that will be spent on advertisin­g in the Senate race between Republican Sen Steve Daines and outgoing Democratic Gov Steve Bullock translates to about $122 for every state resident.

But money is also trickling down to once unthinkabl­e states, including Kansas, Alaska and Mississipp­i, forcing Republican outside groups to spend money playing defense, according to data from the ad tracking firm Kantar/CMAG.


Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC with ties to McConnell, is projected to spend about $14 million in Kansas to boost Republican Rep Roger Marshall, who is being outspent nearly 4-to-1 by Republican­turned-Democrat Barbara Bollier. In Alaska, the group has gone up with $1 million in advertisin­g boosting firstterm Republican Sen Dan Sullivan, who was being outspent by his independen­t challenger Al Gross.

In Texas, though, Hegar is slated to be outspent by Cornyn, barring another infusion of advertisin­g dollars.

“Everything is really close. And that’s not great news for Republican­s,” said Holmes, the McConnell adviser. “There’s just an awful lot of combinatio­ns the Democrats could have to take the majority.”

For Democrats, the torrent of resources is allowing them to get creative.

Harrison is not only inundating TV with advertisin­g, but in conjunctio­n with the state party, he’s also run digital ads calling a third-party candidate on the ballot “too conservati­ve” for South Carolina, even though Constituti­on Party candidate Bill Bledsoe has endorsed Graham and is no longer campaignin­g. The ploy is aimed at depriving Graham of some votes from conservati­ves.

In Maine, where vulnerable Republican moderate Sen Susan Collins is being challenged by Democrat Sara Gideon, the state Democratic Party has paid for “Trump Collins 2020” yard signs in their push to link Collins to the president. The race has similarly shattered state spending records, with an influx of cash from both sides that’s expected to reach at least $106 million.

Then there’s McGrath. Flush with cash, her campaign has paid for slickly produced “Swamp Turtle” cartoon ads that portray McConnell as a denizen of the entrenched Washington interests that Trump ran against in 2016.

“Amy McGrath is just lighting money on fire,” Matt Jones, a Kentucky radio host who briefly considered jumping in the race as a Democrat, tweeted in response.

More than 128,000 Georgians went to the polls Monday, a record for the first day of early voting in the state, according to the secretary of state’s office.

The high turnout surpassed the nearly 91,000 votes cast on the first day of early voting in 2016 and saw eager voters waiting in hours-long lines across the state to cast their ballots. Election officials and advocacy groups have been pushing people to vote early, either in person or by absentee ballot, in anticipati­on of record turnout and concerns about coronaviru­s exposure.

But some would-be voters turned up Monday only to find their county offices closed for the Columbus Day holiday. Effingham County resident Tony Grimes told WTOC-TV he took the day off work to vote and was frustrated to find the door locked at the county’s main elections office.

“I see in Chatham County where they’re having lines forming for them to go and vote,” he told the television station. “So, they’re voting right now, and we aren’t able to.” It was not immediatel­y clear how many counties observed the holiday resulting in a one-day delay to the start of early voting.

People can continue to vote early in person through Oct. 30. While voters must vote at their assigned polling place on Election Day, they can vote at any open polling place in the county where they live during early voting.

Lines were already forming again Tuesday morning. An online wait time tracker tool in Gwinnett County, a populous suburban area northeast of Atlanta, showed waits exceeding three hours at two of the county’s early voting locations.

With photos and videos of long lines Monday posted by news outlets and circulatin­g widely on social media, some election integrity advocates and elected officials said it was evidence of voter suppressio­n and called on election officials to take steps to take immediate action.

But others urged patience. “Election officials have limited resources - especially during the pandemic,” Rick Hasen, an election law professor at the University of California-Irvine, tweeted Monday night. “Great enthusiasm on the first day of voting leading to long lines does not necessaril­y mean there’s a systemic problem. Let’s give it a few days.”

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