Arab Times

Stocks are soaring, and most Black people are missing out

- By Stan Choe

In this file photo, pedestrian­s pass the New York Stock Exchange, in New York. Nearly half of all U.S. households don’t own any stocks, and a disproport­ionate number of them are from Black and other racial-minority households. Difference­s in financial-literacy education may be one factor. Or, because fewer Black families have wealth that has carried through generation­s, they may be more wary of risky investment­s. (AP)

Americans who own stocks are pulling further away from those who don’t, as Wall Street roars back to record heights while much of the economy struggles. And Black households are much more likely to be in that not-as-fortunate group that isn’t in the stock market.

Only 33.5% of Black households owned stocks in 2019, according to data released recently by the Federal Reserve. Among white households, the ownership rate is nearly 61%. Hispanic and other minority households also are less likely than white families to own stock.

Many reasons are behind the split. Experts say chief among them is a longstandi­ng preference by many Black investors for safer places to put their money - the legacy, some say, of decades of discrimina­tion and fear. Also, many were never taught what they were missing out on.

“We didn’t have a grandfathe­r or aunt or uncle or mom and dad educating us on the markets because they didn’t benefit from it because of historical discrimina­tion in this country,” said John Rogers, founder and co-CEO of Ariel Investment­s.

Black people have also often lacked the opportunit­y to build up wealth, park it in the market and watch it grow over time. In general, they have lower incomes, which leaves less money to invest after paying bills. Many also work jobs that don’t offer retirement plans like a 401(k).

But researcher­s say that even wealthier Black households are much less likely to own stocks than their white counterpar­ts. That means they missed out on the roughly 260% returns for S&P 500 funds over the last decade and the resulting chance to see their wealth grow.

The typical Black family has less than $13 in wealth for every $100 held by the typical white family. Lower rates of stock ownership are a small reason why. The most important factor may be the restricted access Black borrowers had to mortgages and affordable housing through decades of redlining and other discrimina­tory practices, said Raphael Bostic, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, in a recent speech.

Researcher­s say increased investment by racial minorities in the stock market, carried through future generation­s, could help narrow the wealth gap. Toward that end, industry groups

are trying to encourage more Black people to become financial planners, who could then draw in potential investors.

The difference­s in stock ownership between white and Black households go back decades, and they narrowed a bit between 2016 and 2019, the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve. But researcher­s say the coronaviru­s pandemic and resulting recession probably widened the gap again.

How safety shortchang­es

Instead of stocks, wealthier Black households are more likely to own assets that have a reputation for being safer, such as bonds, life insurance or real estate, said Tatjana Meschede, associate director at Brandeis University’s Institute on Assets and Social Policy.

Black people “are shortchang­ing themselves by investing in more secure opportunit­ies that yield less of a return,” she said.

The largest bond fund has returned less than 40% over the last decade, for example. That’s far below the nearly 257% that the largest stock fund has delivered over the same time. Real estate has also had slower gains.

The difference in stock-ownership rates is one reason the typical white, non-Hispanic household had a net worth of $189,100 in 2019, versus $24,100 for the median Black household, according to the Fed survey. That gap of nearly eight times compares with a little more than six times at the start of the millennium.

“Especially if you talk about working for 30 to 40 years and steadily contributi­ng to a retirement account and not taking it out when you change jobs or borrowing against it, you would come out way ahead” with a portfolio that has stocks in addition to lower-risk investment­s, said Sherman Hanna, a professor at Ohio State University who does research on financial planning. He calls it “the easy route to accumulati­ng at least some amount of wealth.”

Among middle-aged families, which are the most likely to have a retirement account, 65% of white families have a 401(k), individual retirement account or another similar plan, according to the Fed. The figure is just 44% for Black families and 28% for Hispanic families.

Researcher­s have found that Black and Hispanic workers are less likely to have employers that offer a 401(k).

A cultural bias?

Kashif A. Ahmed, president of American Private Wealth, a financial planning firm in Bedford, Massachuse­tts, remembers giving a talk at a Black church about the higher long-term returns that stocks have historical­ly provided.

“One person sitting in the audience said, ’That’s all fine and wonderful, but this is all for white folks,’” he said.

Malcolm Ethridge, a financial adviser in the Washington area, regularly sees a reluctance to invest in stocks among Black people with enough money to do so, such as tech executives, attorneys and people who inherited rental properties.

“My personal opinion is Black Americans tend not to trust things that are not tangible because of our history in this country and things being taken away,” Ethridge said. “It gets passed on to you from generation to generation: to only trust and believe in things you can actually touch.”

“A house, I can put my hands on that and believe in that, whereas a stock is just whatever someone else tells me it’s worth, and I just have to take your word for it.”

Bob Marshall, a banking executive in northern Virginia who is Black and does invest in stocks, said difference­s in financial literacy education may be one factor in the racial disparity in stock ownership rates. Or, he said, because fewer Black families have wealth that has carried through generation­s, they may be more wary of risky investment­s.

“I’m building wealth for my children and grandchild­ren, so I’m going to hold onto more of it and be riskaverse,” he said is a common theme. Building and keeping that wealth “is more important from a legacy perspectiv­e than me maybe amassing 20 or 30% more.”

Marshall also recalled that he didn’t have much exposure to stocks while growing up. His parents didn’t talk much about them because they were seen as too risky. He started dabbling in the market after taking a class in college where they tracked stocks.

Generation­al challenges

Rogers, who founded Ariel Investment­s in 1983, said Marshall’s experience has been common among Black people for generation­s.

“There isn’t a passing down of knowledge from generation to generation,” he said. “It’s the opposite of what I hear from Warren Buffett about the magic of compound interest and how much wealth has been created since he was born. Those kinds of stories don’t happen in Black communitie­s.”

Rogers had a different experience because of a conversati­on his father had with a friend, a white lawyer, about why African Americans didn’t invest in stocks. The friend said that he had already given his 10-year-old son some understand­ing of the market and that Rogers’ father should do the same for him.

His dad introduced him to a Black stockbroke­r in Chicago, one who became a role model to Rogers, showing that Black people work in finance, too.

Ariel now manages $12 billion in assets. (AP)

We didn’t have a grandfathe­r or aunt or uncle or mom and dad educating us on the markets because they didn’t benefit from it because of historical discrimina­tion ’ in this country

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