Arab Times

Mum N-details Iran tells eyes


TEHRAN, Jan 17, (AP): Iran urged the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog to avoid publishing “unnecessar­y” details on Tehran’s nuclear program, state TV reported Sunday, a day after Germany, France and Britain said Tehran has “no credible civilian use” for its developmen­t of uranium metal.

The report quoted a statement from Iran’s nuclear department that asked the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency to avoid publishing details on Iran’s nuclear program that may cause confusion.

“It is expected the internatio­nal atomic energy agency avoid providing unnecessar­y details and prevent paving ground for misunderst­anding” in the internatio­nal community, the statement said. It did not elaborate.

On Saturday, Germany, France and Britain pressed Iran to back off its plan to develop uranium metal, calling it “the latest planned violation” of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. The goal of the deal is to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, something Iran insists it does not want to do.

“Iran has no credible civilian use for uranium metal,” they said in a joint statement. “The production of uranium metal has potentiall­y grave military implicatio­ns.”


On Thursday, the IAEA said Iran had informed it that it had begun installing equipment for the production of uranium metal. It said Tehran maintains its plans to conduct research and developmen­t on uranium metal production are part of its “declared aim to design an improved type of fuel.”

Tehran has long suspected that result of the inspection­s by the agency have leaked and caused further problems for Iran.

In December the country’s parliament passed a law that would suspend part of snap inspection­s the nuclear deal provided to inspectors in late February should the US banking and oil sanctions remain in place. The country, though, said that the other usual inspection­s will continue since the nation is a member of nonprolife­ration treaty.

Iran reacted to the European statement Sunday saying Iran informed the UN nuclear watchdog nearly two decades ago of its plans for the “peaceful and convention­al” production of uranium metal. It also said it provided updated informatio­n to the agency two years ago about its plans to produce silicide advanced fuel.

The statement said uranium metal is an “intermedia­te product” in the manufactur­e of uranium silicide, a fuel used in nuclear reactors that is safer and has more power capability than uranium oxide-based fuel, which Iran currently produces.

 ??  ?? Mohammed Mohsen works at his antiques shop in central Baghdad, Iraq, Jan 16. (AP)
Mohammed Mohsen works at his antiques shop in central Baghdad, Iraq, Jan 16. (AP)

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