Arab Times

Business backlash part of ‘cancel culture’: Trump Jr


‘You have a man who would get followed to the ends of the Earth by a hundred million Americans’

NEW YORK, Jan 17, (AP): The PGA canceled its tournament at his golf course. Banks say they won’t lend to him anymore. New York City is ending his contract to operate the Central Park skating rink.

Hits to President Donald Trump’s business empire since the deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol are part of a liberal “cancel culture,” his son, Eric, told The Associated Press on Tuesday, saying his father will leave the presidency with a powerful brand backed by millions of voters who will follow him “to the ends of the Earth.”

“We live in the age of cancel culture, but this isn’t something that started this week. It is something that they have been doing to us and others for years,” said Trump, who along with his brother, Donald Jr., have been running the family company since their father took office four years ago. “If you disagree with them, if they don’t like you, they try and cancel you.”

The remarks in an extended interview to the AP come amid an extraordin­ary backlash against the Trump Organizati­on after thousands of the president’s supporters stormed the Capitol last week in a violent riot seeking to keep lawmakers from confirming Joe Biden’s presidenti­al election victory.

Amid accusation­s Trump incited the mob, the PGA of America voted to strip its namesake championsh­ip from Trump’s Bedministe­r, New Jersey,

golf course next year, a British golf organizati­on said the British Open will not be played at a Trump property in the “foreseeabl­e future,” the e-commerce company Shopify stopped helping run the online Trump Store, and New York City said it was canceling contracts with Trump for skating rinks and a golf course in the Bronx.

“The president incited a rebellion against the United States government, a

clearly unconstitu­tional act,” Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio said. “That’s unforgivab­le.

And potentiall­y most troubling of all, several banks, including one of his biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank, have reportedly said they would no longer lend to Trump’s company, raising the prospect that the president may have to dig into his own pockets to pay off his loans if he can’t refinance.

“We witnessed the president of the United States encouragin­g the rioters and refraining from calling in the National Guard to protect the Congress in its performanc­e of duty,” said one bank that cut ties, New York’s Signature Bank, once so close to Trump it put his daughter Ivanka on its board.

Eric Trump seemed unruffled but combative as he spoke by phone from his office in Trump Tower. He dismissed the hits as no big threat to a company that has minimal debt -$400 million against billions in assets - and can always tap its vast real estate holdings for cash, not to mention the allegiance of those sticking by the president.

“You have a man who would get followed to the ends of the Earth by a hundred million Americans,” Eric Trump said. “He created the greatest political movement in American history and his opportunit­ies are endless.”

That upbeat assessment notwithsta­nding, the limited data available for his private company suggest the Trump Organizati­on’s golf properties, as well as other parts of his businesses, may be struggling.

Its two Scottish golf courses have been losing money for years, it had to furlough more than 1,000 workers last year due to the coronaviru­s, prices of condos in Trump residentia­l buildings have fallen sharply and the company has been unsuccessf­ul in its plans to sell one of its most celebrated properties, the

Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Washington D.C.

One person who does business with members at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster said several members are thinking of freezing their membership after the Capitol riots, and that getting new members to join will be difficult.

“They don’t want to be publicly shamed for being a member of his golf club,” said the person, who requested anonymity because he doesn’t want to lose his clients’ business. “Do you think a guy who works for a financial firm or a drug company wants to see his picture in the paper?”

Along with his father, Eric Trump spoke to the crowd on Jan. 6 before many of them rushed to the Capitol, pushed over barriers, attacked police, vandalized the building and left five people dead.

“Have some backbone. Show some fight. Learn from Donald Trump,” Eric Trump said before urging them to “march on the Capitol.”

President Trump said Tuesday during a visit to the border wall in Texas that he bore no responsibi­lity for fomenting the insurrecti­on and warned that efforts to impeach him over his comments threatened only to further divide the country, “which is very dangerous.”

Asked directly in his interview if he felt his father incited the crowd, Eric Trump paused and then the line went dead.

don’t allow us to have guests, and therefore, the runway shows will be closed-door,” fashion chamber president Carlo Capasa said.

The organizers of Paris Fashion Week plan to hold audience-free men’s and haute couture shows later this month. Prospects for Milan’s February shows of mostly womenswear previews remain unclear; the Italian government on

Friday announced a new round of virus-control restrictio­ns through Feb. 15 that extend a ban on traveling between regions.

Capasa acknowledg­ed that closed-door shows deprive fashion of some of its energy. But the pandemic, which has all but shut down global travel and closed retail stores for long periods , has made fashion houses quickly update their digital communicat­ion strategies and e-commerce platforms, he said.

There is some evidence the investment­s are paying off, with one-quarter of online luxury sales last year to consumers who went high-end for the first-time, Capasa said. The Italian fashion chamber found that 45 million people streamed Milan Fashion Week shows in September, a number that Capasa said was beyond his wildest dreams a year ago.

Still, the fashion industry is in dire financial straits. The Italian industry recorded a 25% drop in revenues to 50.5 billion euros ($61.2 billion) in 2020 compared with 2019, with exports down 22% to nearly 43 billion euros ($52.1 billion). (AP)

 ??  ?? In this file photo, Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at his primary election night event at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla. At right is his son Eric Trump. Hits to President Donald Trump’s business empire since the deadly riots at the US Capitol are part of a liberal ‘cancel culture,’ his son Eric told The Associated Press on Jan 12. (AP)
In this file photo, Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at his primary election night event at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla. At right is his son Eric Trump. Hits to President Donald Trump’s business empire since the deadly riots at the US Capitol are part of a liberal ‘cancel culture,’ his son Eric told The Associated Press on Jan 12. (AP)
 ??  ?? Capasa
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