Arab Times

China ekes out 2.3 pct economic growth during 2020, data shows

Powell signals Fed will keep aiding economy with bond buying First major economy to expand as shops and factories reopen


BEIJING, Jan 18, (AP): China eked out 2.3% economic growth in 2020, likely becoming the only major economy to expand as shops and factories reopened relatively early from a shutdown to fight the coronaviru­s while the United States, Japan and Europe struggled with rising infections.

Growth in the three months ending in December rose to 6.5% over a year earlier as consumers returned to shopping malls, restaurant­s and cinemas, official data showed Monday. That was up from the previous quarter’s 4.9% and stronger than many forecaster­s expected.

In early 2020, activity contracted by 6.8% in the first quarter as the ruling Communist Party took the thenunprec­edented step of shutting down most of its economy to fight the virus. The following quarter, China became the first major country to grow again with a 3.2% expansion after the party declared victory over the virus in March and allowed factories, shops and offices to reopen.

Restaurant­s are filling up while cinemas and retailers struggle to lure customers back. Crowds are thin at shopping malls, where guards check visitors for signs of the disease’s telltale fever.

Domestic tourism is reviving, though authoritie­s have urged the public to stay home during the Lunar New Year holiday in February, normally the busiest travel season, in response to a spate of new infections in some Chinese cities.


Exports have been boosted by demand for Chinese-made masks and other medical goods.

The growing momentum “reflected improving private consumptio­n expenditur­e as well as buoyant net exports,” said Rajiv Biswas of IHS Markit in a report. He said China is likely to be the only major economy to grow in 2020 while developed countries and most major emerging markets were in recession.

The economy “recovered steadily” and “living standards were ensured forcefully,” the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement. It said the ruling party’s developmen­t goals were “accomplish­ed better than expectatio­n” but gave no details.

2020 was China’s weakest growth in decades and below 1990’s 3.9% following the crackdown on the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement, which led to China’s internatio­nal isolation.

Despite growth for the year, “it is too early to conclude that this is a full recovery,” said Iris Pang of ING in a report. “External demand has not yet fully recovered. This is a big hurdle.”

Exporters and high-tech manufactur­ers face uncertaint­y about how President-elect Joseph Biden will handle conflicts with Beijing over trade, technology and security. His predecesso­r, Donald Trump, hurt exporters by hiking tariffs on Chinese goods and manufactur­ers including telecom equipment giant Huawei by imposing curbs on access to U.S. components and technology.

“We expect the newly elected U.S. government will continue most of the current policies on China, at least for the first quarter,” Pang said.

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and private sector forecaster­s expect economic growth to rise further this year to above 8%.

China’s quick recovery brought it closer to matching the United States in economic output.

Total activity in 2020 was 102 trillion yuan ($15.6 trillion), according to the government. That is about 75% the size of the $20.8 trillion forecast by the IMF for the U.S. economy, which is expected to shrink by 4.3% from 2019. The IMF estimates China will be about 90% of the size of the U.S. economy by 2025, though with more than four times as many people average income will be lower.

Exports rose 3.6% last year despite the tariff war with Washington. Exporters took market share from foreign competitor­s that still faced anti-virus restrictio­ns.

Retail spending contracted by 3.9% over 2019 but gained 4.6% in December over a year earlier as demand revived. Consumer spending recovered to above the previous year’s levels in the quarter ending in September.

Online sales of consumer goods rose 14.8% as millions of families who were ordered to stay home shifted to buying groceries and clothing on the internet.

WASHINGTON, Jan 18, (AP): Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sought to tamp down any concerns that the Fed might soon withdraw some of its support for the U.S. economy and stressed that any such pullback would be signaled far in advance.

During an online discussion hosted by Princeton University, from which Powell earned his undergradu­ate degree, the Fed chair said the economy’s recovery from the pandemic recession is still far short of its goals.

The Fed had said after its last policy meeting last month that it would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made “substantia­l further progress” toward the Fed’s goals of maximum employment and stable 2% inflation.

“When that happens - and we can see that clearly - we’ll let the world know,” Powell said. “We will communicat­e very clearly to the public and we’ll do so well in advance before actively considerin­g any tapering of asset purchases.”

The bond purchases are intended to hold down longer-term interest rates to encourage consumers and businesses to borrow and spend. Lower rates on 10-year Treasurys, for example, reduce borrowing costs for home and car buyers. At the same time, the central bank is keeping its benchmark short-term rate at a record low near zero to help support the economy.

‘Recovery from the pandemic recession is still far short of its goals’


Powell also stressed that the Fed probably won’t raise its rate until inflation has topped 2% for some time.

“When the time comes to raise interest rates, we’ll certainly do that,” he said. “And that time, by the way, is no time soon.”

Powell’s remarks Thursday follow recent speculatio­n in financial markets that the Fed might start reducing its bond purchases as early as this year, sooner than was previously expected. Investors have been selling Treasuries, increasing the yield on the 10-year Treasury note in the past week to about 1.1%, up from 0.9%.

The speculatio­n was fueled by comments from several regional Fed bank presidents, including Raphael Bostic of the Atlanta Fed and Robert Kaplan of Dallas. Bostic said last week that he was “hopeful that in fairly short order we can start to recalibrat­e” the bond purchases. Bostic is a voting member of the Fed’s policymaki­ng committee this year.

Members of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, who carry particular weight on rate decisions, have stressed that any tapering of bond purchases won’t occur for months at least. One of them, Richard Clarida, said last Friday that he thought the purchases would likely continue at least into next year.

And Lael Brainard, another governor, said Wednesday that the current level of bond buying “will remain appropriat­e for quite some time.”


Some regional Fed bank presidents have signaled that any reduction in bond purchases is probably a long way off. Eric Rosengren, president of the Boston Fed, said in an interview with The Associated Press that “we are still very far from full employment .... Right now, we’re still in a recessiona­ry economy, and we need to get out of that.”

Fed officials want to avoid a repeat of what became known as the “taper tantrum,” one of the Fed’s worst communicat­ions blunders. It occurred in 2013 under Chairman Ben Bernanke, who suggested that the Fed might soon start reducing the bond purchases it was engaging in at that time in the wake of the Great Recession. Bernanke’s remarks caught investors by surprise and triggered a spike in interest rates.

Powell, in fact, said that one lesson from the 2008-2009 downturn is, “be careful not to exit too early” from policies intended to boost the economy.

“And by the way, try not to talk about exit all the time ... because the markets are listening,” he said.

Still, Powell also said he was quite optimistic that the economy would rebound later this year, once COVID-19 vaccines are widely distribute­d.

“We were in a good place in February of 2020 and we think we can get back there, I would say much sooner than we had feared,” Powell said.

 ?? (AP) ?? Shoppers wearing face masks to help curb the spread of the coronaviru­s wall by the Chinese toy maker POP Mart display booth at a shopping mall in Beijing on Dec 9, 2020. China’s economy grew 2.3% in 2020 as a recovery from the coronaviru­s pandemic accelerate­d while the United States, Europe and Japan struggled with disease flare-ups.
(AP) Shoppers wearing face masks to help curb the spread of the coronaviru­s wall by the Chinese toy maker POP Mart display booth at a shopping mall in Beijing on Dec 9, 2020. China’s economy grew 2.3% in 2020 as a recovery from the coronaviru­s pandemic accelerate­d while the United States, Europe and Japan struggled with disease flare-ups.

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