Arab Times

Leaders cheer as US returns to Paris pact


BERLIN, Jan 23, (AP): World leaders breathed an audible sigh of relief that the United States under President Joe Biden is rejoining the global effort to curb climate change, a cause that his predecesso­r had shunned over the past four years.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron were among those welcoming Biden’s decision to rejoin the the Paris climate accord, reversing a key Trump policy in the first hours of his presidency Wednesday.

“Rejoining the Paris Agreement is hugely positive news,” tweeted Johnson, whose country is hosting this year’s UN climate summit.

Macron said that with Biden, “we will be stronger to face the challenges of our time. Stronger to build our future. Stronger to protect our planet.”

The Paris accord, forged in the French capital in 2015, commits countries to put forward plans for reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which is released from burning fossil fuels.

As president, Donald Trump questioned the scientific warnings about man-made global warming, at times accusing other countries of using the Paris accord as a club to hurt Washington. The US formally left the pact in November.

“The United States departure from it has definitely diminished our capacities to change things, concretely to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions,” said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.

“Now we are dealing with an administra­tion that is conscious of what is at stake and that is very committed to use the voice of the United States, a voice that is very powerful on the internatio­nal level,” she said.

Biden put the fight against climate change at the center of his presidenti­al campaign and on Wednesday immediatel­y launched a series of climate-friendly efforts to bring Washington back in step with the rest of the world on the issue.


“A cry for survival comes from the planet itself,” Biden said in his inaugural address. “A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear now.”

Experts say any internatio­nal efforts to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), ideally 1.5C (2.7F), as agreed in the Paris accord would struggle without the contributi­on of US, which is the world’s second biggest carbon emitter.

Scientists say time is running out to reach that goal because the world has already warmed 1.2 C (2.2 F) since pre-industrial times.

Of particular importance is deforestat­ion in the vast Amazon rainforest. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has faced criticism from global leaders, including Biden before his election victory, and non-profit organizati­ons for rising deforestat­ion.

Bolsonaro has been dismissive of internatio­nal efforts to steer Brazil’s management of the huge rainforest, saying its resources must be harnessed to support growth and economic developmen­t. Still, he sent a letter to Biden on Wednesday urging that the two countries continue their “partnershi­p in favor of sustainabl­e developmen­t and protection of the environmen­t, especially of the Amazon.”

“I stress that Brazil has shown its commitment with the Paris Accord after the introducti­on of its new national goals,” Bolsonaro added in the letter, which he published on his social media channels.

Italy said the US return to the Paris accord would help other countries reach their own climate commitment­s. “Italy looks forward to working with the US to build a sustainabl­e planet and ensure a better future for the next generation­s,” Premier Giuseppe Conte tweeted.

The Vatican, too, was clearly pleased given the decision aligns with Pope Francis’ environmen­tal agenda and belief in multilater­al diplomacy. In a front-page editorial in Wednesday’s L’Osservator­e Romano, Vatican deputy editorial director Alessandro Gisotti noted that Biden’s decision to rejoin Paris “converges with Pope Francis’ commitment in favor of the custody of our common home.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was more muted in her reaction, noting on Thursday that her government would “probably have a more similar opinion” with Biden on issues such as the Paris climate accord, migration and the World Health Organizati­on.

Youth activists who have been at the forefront of demanding leaders take the threat of global warming seriously said they now want to see concrete action from Washington.

“Many countries signed the Paris Agreement and they are still part of the Paris Agreement, but they make very free interpreta­tions of what that implies,” said Juan Aguilera, one of the organizers of the Fridays for Future movement in Spain. “In many cases, signing it has become a show, because at the end of the day the concrete measures that are being taken, at least in the short term, are not satisfacto­ry.”


Biden has appointed a large team to tackle climate change both on the domestic and internatio­nal front. Former Secretary of State John Kerry, named as the president’s special climate envoy, on Thursday took part in a virtual event with Italian industry at which he touted the ‘green economy’ as an engine for jobs and said the US planned to make up for time lost over the past four years.

Organizers of a meeting Monday on adapting to climate change said they hoped Kerry would take part, too, and Biden himself has talked about inviting world leaders to a summit on the issue within his first 100 days in office.

Over the coming months the US allies and rivals will closely watch to see by how much the administra­tion offers to cut its emissions in the coming decade. A firm number is expected to be announced before the UN climate summit taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, in November.

Veterans of such gatherings noted the formidable diplomatic clout that the US has managed to bring to them in the past.

Farhana Yamin, a British lawyer who served as adviser to the Marshall Islands in the Paris negotiatio­ns, said she left the climate talks in 2018 feeling “disillusio­ned” not only by the US withdrawal but also by how other countries, including her own, were failing to live up to the agreed goals.

“I wish there were more progress here in the UK,” she said, adding she hoped that the change in the White House would mean others would increase their ambition on climate, too. “The US always has massive influence on its allies.”

Also: THE HAGUE, Netherland­s:

An organizati­on that promotes efforts to adapt the environmen­t to cope with the effects of climate change is calling on government­s and financers around the globe to include funding for adaptation projects in their COVID-19 recovery spending.

The appeal was published Friday in a report issued by the Netherland­s-based Global Center on Adaptation before an online summit starting Monday that will launch an agenda for boosting the planet’s resilience.

“As government­s begin spending trillions of dollars to recover from the pandemic, the world has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunit­y to build a more resilient, climate-smart future by integratin­g climate adaptation into their response and recovery plans,” the center said in its report.

A group of more than 3,000 scientists from 130 countries also released a statement Friday before the summit linking investment in the environmen­t with pandemic recovery plans.

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