Arab Times

CPF okays annual report for 100 cases

- By Marwa Al-Bahrawi Al-Seyassah Staff

KUWAIT CITY, March 6: The Cancer Patients Fund (CPF) of the Kuwait Society for Smoking and Cancer Control has approved the annual report of 100 persons suffering from the disease to provide them with assistance.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Associatio­n, Chairman of the Cancer Patients Fund, Dr Khaled Al-Saleh, in a press statement said the fund’s aid varies between financial aid that is disbursed to the patient on a monthly basis based on medical reports presented to specialize­d committees to decide on aid, and travel tickets for internatio­nal patients who apply for final travel to their countries, so the fund disburses tickets along with a small sum of money.

He added the fund has distribute­d in-kind assistance to patients since the beginning of the pandemic so that they avoid leaving their homes to preserve their health during these difficult times.

He noted that the fund’s march began in 1997, and since that date it uses its financial and technical capabiliti­es to extend a helping hand to cancer patients, according to goals set for this purpose.

He added, the fund’s work is not limited to providing financial and inkind assistance to cancer patients, but extends to organizing Umrah trips to patients annually to raise their spirits and positively affect their treatment.

Al-Saleh appreciate­d the role of doctors who extend a helping hand to patients, and those in charge of the associatio­n and the fund for their continuous efforts to support cancer patients in the State of Kuwait.

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