Arab Times

‘US-China relations is at a pivotal point’

- By Dr. Hani K. Findakly A Reconnaiss­ance Research article

On Tuesday, January 8, 2021, the US Senate passed a $250 billion legislatio­n described as one of the largest industrial bills in U.S. history in a bipartisan effort to ensure that the U.S. remains competitiv­e with China. This measure is a part of intensifyi­ng debate among pundits, policy makers, and the media of all political persuasion­s over China’s foreign policy. This debate has increased in intensity and frequency in recent years and its decibel level conjures up memories of the cold war. Alarmed by China’s rising power, the focus has shifted to its ambitious economic embodied in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and its political assertiven­ess in the South China Sea and over Taiwan, and its handling of internal dissent in Hong Kong and Xingang. Such is the state of the global order that G-7, which meets in the UK this month as the group of the seven largest world economies, meets to discuss, of all things, such weighty issues as the global economy, Covid-19, and China, among other issues. The irony of excluding the world second largest economy from such meetings and from the Group’s membership altogether cannot be lost on China, whose economy nearly equals that of the collective economies of six members of the G-7, save for the United States.


Yet, the rhetoric over China lacks the kind of coherent strategy that George Kennan articulate­d in his 1946 “long telegram” and his Mr. X article in Foreign Affairs regarding Russia. China is not the Soviet Union, and a defeat of China, isolating it or its breakup are not realistic endgames. Instead, a well-articulate­d strategy that aims to keep the US-China relations at a competitiv­e level, while avoiding a slide into a Thucydides trap, is critical at the stage. Formulatin­g such a strategy must include an understand­ing of Chinese history and its and Taoist Confucian cultures, which inform China’s motives, particular­ly its century of humiliatio­n at the hands of foreign powers. It took China nearly a century and a half to reclaim the Hong Kong territory ceded to Great Britain in the two Opium wars. No Chinese leader will ever want to preside over the repeat of such humiliatio­n. The debate over China further ignores its proud history in which it dominated the global economy for two millennia until the onset of the industrial revolution. Historian may well conclude that the past century was a historical aberration, and that China is only reclaiming its past status. Finally, often overlooked are the constraint­s China faces in assuming its proportion­al role in governance of the rules-based institutio­ns, such as the Bretton Woods organizati­ons and the regional developmen­t banks. Until recently, China had a smaller voting power at the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, for example, than that of Italy or Saudi Arabia. Even today, China still lags Japan, whose economy is nearly a third of China’s, in voting power at the IMF, the World Bank, and other regional developmen­t banks. At the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO), where China has lost most of the cases brought against it, it was the US that sidelined the WTO by blocking judicial appellate appointmen­ts and by imposing unilateral tariffs. Today, even the compositio­n of the G-7, that is meant to represent the largest global economies, is a relic of the past, whose combined economies, except for the US, barely equals that of China. Such factors are important drivers for China’s promotions of its own sponsored financial “clubs”, which are often viewed with skepticism. A recent Council on Foreign Relations report has echoed the widespread belief in concluding that the BRI’s risks to the US and recipient countries “considerab­ly outweigh its benefits”. Nonetheles­s, such initiative­s have grown in size and scope to be dismissed as merely political ploys.

The US-China tension centers around four areas of conflict, namely, security, economics, technology, and ideology. While these issues are legitimate areas of concern, they do not help identify a tangible endgame. Ironically, the 1972 Nixon approach to China was designed to drive a wedge between China and the Soviet Union. Today, the current policy has succeeded in reversing that policy by bringing Russia and China closer together. China will always be China and its economic and technologi­cal gains are nearly irreversib­le. It already has an estimated over 70% of the world’s 5G base stations and 5G smartphone users, and its advances in Artificial Intelligen­ce and supercompu­ting, etc. assure its sustainabi­lity. Although its past growth has been augmented by alleged intellectu­al property violations, a recent report by World Intellectu­al Property Organizati­on shows that China has recently surpassed the US in trademark and patent applicatio­ns.


Though China has no record of proselytiz­ing, it pursues its own national interest through a foreign policy that is heavily grounded in economic programs with three implicit goals: access to energy and raw materials; markets for its products and companies; and strategic spheres of influence. Still, its muscular foreign policy has contribute­d to the anti-China rhetoric, which has bifurcated into political (Taiwan, South China Sea, ideology, and human rights), and security (technology, cyberattac­ks, trade, and military) issues that threaten to create a “one-world, two systems” by adopting competing standards of technology and changing supply chains. While this outcome has the benefits of creating competitio­n and mitigating the risks of an adversaria­l confrontat­ion, it is costly, has an uncertain outcome, and it may be already late. Nonetheles­s, the model of competing technologi­es, along with the continuity of strategic ambiguity over the One China policy, may offer a practical interim solution, which game theory describes as the Nash Equilibriu­m, in which both sides behave within pre-determined norms from which neither side would deviate. In otherwise, it is a form of competitiv­e coexistenc­e.

A recent Economist magazine labeling of Taiwan as “The Most Dangerous Place on Earth” is a sobering reminder of the inherent risks in global tensions. It is also a stark reminder of Norman Angell’s seminal 1909 book “The Great Illusion”, on the eve of WWI, where the British Parliament­arian argued against the possibilit­y of war because the economic cost of war was so great and the economic interdepen­dence among countries would be “the real guarantor of good behavior”. Angell was both right and wrong. Let us hope that this time is different.

Dr. Findakly bio:

He is Vice Chairman of the Clinton Group. He was Group Head of Internatio­nal Capital Markets, Managing Director, PaineWebbe­r Inc.; CEO, Potomac Babson; and, Chairman, Dillon Read Investment Management. Prior to Wall Street, he was the Chief Investment Officer of the World Bank Group.

His early career was in academia as a member of faculty of MIT, and as Organizati­on of American States Professor at the Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

He is a graduate of Baghdad University (B.Sc., Civil Engineerin­g, Magna cum Laude), and the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology (MIT): Master of Science (S.M., Systems Analysis), and Doctor of Science (Sc.D., Decision Theory).

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Dr. Findakly

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