Arab Times

GUST holds Computer Science Capstone exhibition


KUWAIT CITY, July 8: Gulf University of Science and Technology’s Computer Science Department held a virtual exhibition for capstone students to showcase their projects. The Exhibition showcased 8 teams comprised of three to four students who got a chance to present their projects to the GUST community via Microsoft Teams.

The event highlighte­d the creativity and ingenuity of the Computer Science senior students in applying computer science theory and software developmen­t fundamenta­ls towards the developmen­t of software applicatio­ns as solutions to contempora­ry real-world problems. Some apps were focused on automobile services such as the apps Daberly, Farsight, and Motri.

Whereas other apps focused on more social issues such as mental health and general health such as the apps Autenmo and Blood Donor.

With another app focused on recycling titled SecondHand and lastly two apps that focused on social gatherings and event planning titled Stepgram and PlanIt.

Head of the Computer Science Department, Dr Mahmoud Elish, said “The presented Apps are novel and could be commercial­ized and deployed on the market. We are proud of the continued excellence of the annual capstone projects’ outcomes by our senior students, and would like to congratula­te them on their achievemen­ts.”

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr Bassam Alameddine said “The Senior Computer Science Students have shown us great ingenuity with these projects and show great hunger for academic excellence. I would like to commend them on a fantastic year of hard work and dedication despite the obstacles brought on by the global pandemic.”

The Capstone Exhibition is an annual event that highlights students hard work throughout their final semesters at GUST. The continuati­on of this event by being held virtually is a testament to the Computer Science department’s dedication to the program and continuous academic excellence.

 ?? A photo from the event. ??
A photo from the event.

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