Arab Times

Unionist leader says Brexit deal could sink Belfast govt


LONDON, Sept 9, (AP): The leader of Northern Ireland’s largest British unionist party heightened post-Brexit political tensions on Thursday, saying the U.K.’s divorce deal with the European Union could collapse the Belfast government and trigger a new era of violence and instabilit­y.


Unionist Party leader Jeffrey Donaldson


He said that the problems must be resolved “in weeks and not months or years,” and said DUP ministers would quit Northern Ireland’s Protestant-Catholic powershari­ng administra­tion rather than implement the deal in its present form. That would effectivel­y collapse the government, which is run by the DUP and Irish nationalis­t party Sinn Fein.

He also said DUP ministers would boycott regular meetings with politician­s in Ireland as a protest against the new rules.

“I say not as a threat, but as a matter of political reality that our political institutio­ns will not survive a failure to resolve the problems that the protocol has created,” said Donaldson, who was elected DUP leader two months ago.

The crisis straining U.K.-EU relations stems from trade arrangemen­ts for Northern Ireland, the only part of the U.K. that has a land border with the 27-nation bloc. The divorce deal the two sides struck before Britain’s departure means customs and border checks must be conducted on some goods moving between Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K.

The regulation­s are intended to prevent goods from Britain entering the EU’s tariff-free single market while keeping an open border between Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland - a key pillar of Northern Ireland’s peace process.


But the checks have angered Northern Ireland’s unionists, who say they impose burdensome red tape on businesses and weaken Northern Ireland’s ties with the rest of the U.K.

Tensions over the new rules contribute­d to a week of street violence in Northern Ireland cities in April that saw youths pelt police with bricks, fireworks and gasoline bombs. Donaldson said the violence had died down, “but I fear that unless we grapple with this issue, this will prove to be merely a pause, rather than an end to the disorder.”

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald called Donaldson’s stance a “reckless, irresponsi­ble and short-sighted election stunt.” Doug Beattie of the Ulster Unionist Party, the DUP’s rival for unionist votes, said Donaldson’s “threats” were counterpro­ductive.

“We continue to lobby rather than threaten,” he said.

The EU’s chief Brexit official, Maros Sefcovic, urged all sides to “dial down the political rhetoric” and “work on the concrete problems.” Britain and the EU both say they want to fix the problems, but they remain far apart on solutions.

Britain’s Conservati­ve government has accused the bloc of being needlessly “purist” in implementi­ng the rules. The U.K. is seeking ultimately to remove most checks, replacing them with a “light touch” system in which only goods at risk of entering the EU would be inspected.

 ??  ?? threatened to pull his party out of the powershari­ng administra­tion if the rules for Northern Ireland trade agreed by the U.K. and the EU last year are not fundamenta­lly changed within weeks.
In a speech in Belfast, he said the agreement known as the Northern Ireland Protocol “fundamenta­lly undermines … the economic integrity of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland’s position in it.”
“We are totally opposed to the protocol as it presently exists,” Donaldson said.
threatened to pull his party out of the powershari­ng administra­tion if the rules for Northern Ireland trade agreed by the U.K. and the EU last year are not fundamenta­lly changed within weeks. In a speech in Belfast, he said the agreement known as the Northern Ireland Protocol “fundamenta­lly undermines … the economic integrity of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland’s position in it.” “We are totally opposed to the protocol as it presently exists,” Donaldson said. Donaldson

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