Arab Times

Manchin, Sinema to hold talks with Biden


WASHINGTON, Sept 28, (AP): Two key Democratic senators are expected to meet Tuesday with President Joe Biden at the White House as the party works to narrow his $3.5 trillion legislativ­e package and momentum builds to close the deal with centrist and progressiv­e lawmakers.

Sens. Joe Manchin D-W.Va., and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., are linchpins for the final package - two centrist lawmakers who have balked at the price tag and are now under pressure to show Biden what amount they could live with.

Biden is expected to meet separately with Manchin and Sinema as he works to come up with a final number, according to a person familiar with the meetings and granted anonymity to discuss them.

“We just have to make difficult choices,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi told House Democrats during an evening caucus meeting Monday, according to a person granted anonymity to discuss the private session.

She told House Democrats that Biden was “working on that piece” - the overall figure for his signature measure - as negotiatio­ns were underway with the Senate.

The behind-the-scenes talks come as Republican senators blocked a bill Monday to keep the government operating and allow federal borrowing. Democrats aiming to avert a shutdown pledged to try again - at the same time pressing ahead on Biden’s big plans to reshape government.

The efforts are not necessaril­y linked, but the fiscal year end deadline to fund the government past Thursday is bumping up against the Democrats’ desire to make progress on Biden’s expansive $3.5 trillion social spending and climate legislatio­n.

It’s all making for a tumultuous moment for Biden and his party, with consequenc­es certain to shape his presidency and the lawmakers’ political futures.

“You know me, I’m a born optimist,” Biden told reporters Monday, as he rolled up his sleeve for a COVID-19 booster shot. “We’re gonna get it done.”

Monday’s 50-48 vote against taking up the bill fell well short of the 60 needed to proceed over a GOP filibuster. Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer switched his vote to “no,” a procedural step to allow him to bring the measure back for considerat­ion.

With days to go, Democrats said they will try again before Thursday’s deadline to pass a bill funding government operations past the Sept. 30 fiscal year end, stripping out the debate over the debt limit for another day, closer to a separate October deadline.

Meanwhile, the real action is unfolding behind the scenes over the $3.5 trillion measure, with Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress seeking a once-in-a-generation reworking of the nation’s balance sheets.

From free pre-kindergart­en and child care subsidies for families with small children to dental care and hearing aids for seniors with Medicare, there’s a lot in the president’s proposal - all to be paid for with higher taxes on corporatio­ns and the wealthy.

With Republican­s solidly opposed, Democrats are rushing to trim the total and win holdouts within their own party.

As the overall price tag comes down, Pelosi said the House Democrats would not move ahead on a bill until it is acceptable to their colleagues in the Senate. “We’re not there yet,” she said.

Exiting the caucus meeting, Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., the chairman of the Way & Means Committee, said as momentum builds toward Thursday, he was expecting a new total amount: “Let’s pop the number.”

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