Arab Times

Doctors’ protests cause treatment delays in S. Korea, raise concerns


SEOUL, South Korea, April 1, (AP): South Korea’s president vowed Monday not to back down in the face of vehement protests by doctors seeking to derail his plan to drasticall­y increase medical school admissions, as he called their walkouts “an illegal collective action” that poses “a grave threat to our society.”

About 12,000 medical interns and residents in South Korea have been on strike for six weeks, causing hundreds of cancelled surgeries and other treatments at university hospitals. In support of their action, many senior doctors at their teaching schools have also submitted resignatio­ns though they haven’t stopped treating patients.

Officials say they want to raise the yearly medical school cap by 2,000 from the current 3,058 to create more doctors to deal with the country’s rapidly aging population. Doctors counter that schools can’t handle such an abrupt increase in students and that it would eventually hurt the country’s medical services. But critics say doctors, one of the best-paid profession­s in South Korea, are simply worried that the supply of more doctors would result in lower future incomes.

Public surveys show that a majority of ordinary South Koreans support the government plan. But observers say many people are increasing­ly fed up with the protracted confrontat­ion between the government and doctors, threatenin­g to deal a blow to governing party candidates ahead of next week’s parliament­ary elections.

In a nationally televised address, President Yoon Suk Yeol said adding 2,000 medical students is the minimum increase needed to address a shortage of physicians in rural areas, the military and essential but low-paying profession­s like pediatrics and emergency department­s. Yoon said South Korea’s doctorto-patient ratio - 2.1 physicians per 1,000 people - is far below the average of 3.7 in the developed world.

“Increasing the number of doctors is a state project that we can’t further delay,” Yoon said.

Yoon urged the striking doctors to return to work, saying they have a responsibi­lity to protect people’s lives in line with the local medical law. He also said the government remains open to talks if doctors come up with a unified proposal that adequately explains their calls for a much smaller increase in the medical school enrollment quota.

“I can’t tolerate an attempt to carry through their thoughts by force without due logic and grounds,” Yoon said. “The illegal collective action by some doctors has become a grave threat to our society.”

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