Kuwait Times

Greek police arrest 5 MPs in crackdown on neo-Nazi party


ATHENS: The head of Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party was facing a charge of leading a criminal organisati­on yesterday after he was arrested by anti-terror police along with four fellow MPS.

Party founder Nikos Michalolia­kos and the four Golden Dawn lawmakers were held overnight after they were arrested in dawn raids Saturday amid high tensions in Greece following the murder of a leftist musician, who was allegedly stabbed to death by a party activist.

They were placed under judicial investigat­ion along with 10 other party members facing likely charges of belonging to a criminal organisati­on, a court source said. Michalolia­kos faces an additional charge of leading a criminal organisati­on.

The arrests came a day after Golden Dawn threatened to pull its lawmakers out of parliament, a move that could trigger a political crisis in the recession-hit country. Greek anti-terror police arrested Michalolia­kos, who founded the party in 1980, along with party spokesman and MP Ilias Kasidiairi­s and three other lawmakers.

The five will remain under arrest pending the outcome of a judicial investigat­ion into the possible charges to be laid, a process of up to five days, a court source said. The serious nature of the case could lead to discussion in parliament to strip the deputies of their parliament­ary immunity.

Golden Dawn faced mounting pressure after a self-confessed neo-Nazi was arrested over the fatal stabbing of popular hip-hop musician Pavlos Fyssas, 34, on September 18, a killing that sparked nationwide protests.

The police sweep came after Greece’s supreme court, which has been charged with investigat­ing the far-right group, issued arrest warrants for some 30 members. Two policemen suspected of neo-Nazi links were among those arrested Saturday, while a sixth Golden Dawn MP is still being sought. Following the arrests, Golden Dawn urged its followers to demonstrat­e against what it called an “illegal decision”, and several hundred faithful gathered outside the police station where the suspects were being held.

Amid a sea of Greek flags, the protesters chanted the party’s slogan, “Blood, honour, Golden Dawn”, watched over by anti-riot police. “Golden Dawn is still there, it will not retreat. You can’t put its ideas in prison, we will fight to the end,” Artemis Matheopoul­os, a party MP, said. — AFP

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