Kuwait Times

Dar Al Shifa Hospital launches breast cancer early detection campaign


KUWAIT: Dar Al Shifa Hospital announced yesterday the launch of its breast cancer early detection campaign “The Warning Bells are Ringing”, which sheds light on the causes and factors leading to this disease and ways to prevent it. The campaign will run across the month of October 2013, in which the hospital will provide 50% discount on the mammograph­y, breast ultrasound, as well as on one of the latest breast MRI machines in Kuwait, as part of its awareness campaign. The hospital’s medical team will also educate interested female visitors about different methods of self-exams, while also providing them with a number of educationa­l leaflets and brochures about the same.

Dr. Dalia El-Robi, Specialist Diagnostic Radiology at Dar Al Shifa Hospital said: “It is crucial to highlight Breast Cancer at an early stage and to understand the signs, symptoms and methods of treatment. New technologi­es have been developed that help in detecting the disease earlier in the process.”

Deaths from breast cancer among women in Kuwait are considered the world’s highest due to a lack of awareness and delay in detection of the disease. The ratio of deaths among patients of breast cancer worldwide is 1:8. Even as studies confirm the rate of breast cancer is higher globally, deaths resulting from breast cancer in Kuwait are higher than the global rate because the disease is always detected in its late stages.

“Breast Cancer is a wide spread disease that is considered to have high death rates amongst women worldwide, although it can be treated and cured if detected at an early stage. Through this campaign, Dar Al Shifa Hospital aims at showcasing its overall commitment towards raising more awareness while also becoming a pri- mary healthcare informatio­n source across the community. The hospital’s team will be present to provide factual informatio­n that women need to be familiar with, such as for example selfexams,” added Dr. El-Robi.

Cancer is made up of abnormal cells growing out of control, and over time, if not detected and treated, the cancer can spread from the breast to other organs such as liver, brain, lungs and bones. Breast Cancer treatment includes surgery, radiothera­py, chemothera­py and endocrine/ anti hormone therapy. The treatment success depends on the age factor, stage of growth of the cancer and its type, and whether it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs. Screening is a primary prevention step where early detection will be made, and further allows early interventi­on measures to be implemente­d in order to secure a greater possibilit­y of surviving and overcoming the cancer.

The breast cancer early detection awareness campaign takes place annually and is part of the continued developmen­t of the Dar Al Shifa Hospital’s successful contributi­ons to raise awareness on the disease, and to encourage women to do the preventive checks. The hospital utilizes its state-of-the-art technology, and renowned leading doctors and consultant­s to deliver optimal levels of healthcare to its patients.

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