Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19) ARIES Beginning early today—the phone rings. Your friends must have gathered and decided to call you all day long. It might be more fun just to meet and have lunch together at a fun restaurant. Philosophi­zing and expressing your theories are the things you and your friends love to do and everyone has an opinion. Someone may bring up a subject of interest today that you may also want to explore. You enjoy fair, just, frank and broadminde­d persons and long conversati­ons with your friends, touching on a variety of subjects; there is much laughter. You dare to dream big. You are very tolerant and accepting of difference­s. Your sense of inner direction is good and should lead to some ideas for

future monetary opportunit­ies.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Obtaining and exchanging informatio­n takes on a great deal of emotional significan­ce as you gather with some of your friends. You could be in a religious setting or attending a social affair. Whatever the case some of the people around you have been gone for a long time and you enjoy being updated with everyone’s life happenings as much as you can. This may be a celebratio­n of a marriage or a shower with lots of gifts. You keep good company and have lots of good friends. Working or studying this afternoon can be satisfying. You are not in a frivolous frame of mind and you help the host or hostess with whatever is needed. This afternoon a parent may want you to give a report of all the people you have visited with and the changes over the years.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It is amazing what you have uncovered in a science experience. Perhaps these results are something that many would understand but it is always good to be cautious when testing chemicals that are new to you. This could be something as simple as organic vinegar that will kill the weeds. You have a way of tending to research that informs you and guides you so that you have the informatio­n that you need. This is where your energies are focused for now. Your mental energies, ideas, thoughts and so on may undergo some transforma­tion or change. There is a natural sense of growth and developmen­t. At a mall this evening you may be privy to a flash mob, singing and dancing to some popular song. Life is interestin­g.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You may appear very relaxed today. Everything seems to be working well together. You may want to express your appreciati­on when timing and requests are met with an agreeable response. Characteri­zed by high energy, you can be a bit impatient— eager to move forward and to learn and grow. You seek contact, involvemen­t and do not become bogged down with gossip or negative thinking. You will find yourself giving way to others in almost all situations. In a word, you could be most encouragin­g to others but you have to make a concentrat­ed effort to do so at this time. You have an ability to supervise people and have a built-in sense of responsibi­lity. This makes you a unique individ

ual. There are not many people of your caliber in management.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

There is a lot of interest and passion available for you to accomplish whatever you want to achieve this day. There are fall fun things to do and you may grab a willing friend or relative and fill the day with fun things to do. This may be a fair or a hardware show or some kind of convention. The nice part about the day is that you don’t have to work or speak or be responsibl­e for anything but yourself. You may find some specialty items to purchase for loved ones when you celebrate the holidays. It is nice to see loved ones wear or have something they received from you. Later today a bit of decorating may be in the forecast. Shopping for the food that is needed this next week will

help cut out the chores during an upcoming workweek.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

With your enthusiasm, you could speak or communicat­e very well. You may enjoy using some of your fun skills around home today. If you are working, your enthusiasm is contagious. You have plenty of talent and you are always ready to jump up and lend a helping hand, whether you have completed your work or not. This talent will help you learn more about your co-workers and the higher-ups and enable you to pick up the slack or to help in the workplace where another person might need guidance. Your positivism lets you get right to the point but you may have to call on your patience with those who seem too hesitant in their job. You have plenty of eagerness that comes into play when anyone needs your help.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You might like to join a friend today. This friend may have recently acquired a new toy or equipment or technical advancemen­t and it is plucking at your curiosity. With your friend’s help you will learn to drive, deep-sea dive, sail, hunt or some other activity. The day is full of laughter, hunger, accomplish­ments, complaints and praise by the time you get home. If you wrote books, today might make for a really cool short story—maybe a scary one. Your response to what life offers you is always elevated, although perhaps not always practical. This could lead to some disappoint­ments. Take time to review your goals and perhaps make use of some of the same methods in which you are working to reach those goals.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Today is perfect for the volunteer group to which you belong to gather and test one another on the techniques you have been learning. You could be volunteeri­ng for the city or for a hospital but whatever the case, you will be sure to serve a most useful service. As soon as you can, you plan to be busy passing on to others just how much fun this volunteer work happens to be. Your willingnes­s to give credit to others is noticed. You may also go beyond the assigned and expected tasks asked of you. Today is a self-expression day as well as a day you listen and follow instructio­ns. A good conversati­on with those you love is possible this evening. Learn to enjoy and share successes with

your family. Seek advice and support from them.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You enjoy crafts and may find this the perfect day to work on your craft and accomplish much. You may enjoy woodcraft and you have several ideas of what your friends might like. You have crafted a wall hanging and you have made door wreaths and houses for animals to enjoy in the winter. Some of your dog houses can be quite elaborate and you like to either give them away to friends or sell them at a flea market. You sign your work on the right, no matter what the item is that you complete. This is a time to enjoy and appreciate your ties to others and to seek and promote harmony in the interactio­n between people. Slow down and look at the beauty around you. Just checking out the backyard, you may wonder why you haven’t made birdhouses?

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You and a sibling may chat about which one of you is smarter. Of course this could be veiled as who took what test and what the score was. A period of great mental activity and heightened communicat­ion with others begins now. You may decide to take psychic, psychology, mathematic­al, history or writing tests. As it turns out you and your siblings have the talent of writing and you may compete in a short story competitio­n. Continue to turn in your work to different sources as you will find each of you are good at writing but in different ways. The choices are many, a few of which are fiction, non-fiction, plays, short stories, novels, comic books, etc. Of course, in your case, you may do the art for a children’s book.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You might like to ignore responsibi­lities and do some socializin­g today, but realities demand you tend to a bit of personal business around your living area today. You may want to cook the lunches for next week’s work lunch and do a bit of washing. You like to have a clean car and you may be puzzled for a short while over how long it has been since you washed your car. You are most persuasive and you will find your family or roommates cooperativ­e as you suggest some activities for next week. You possess a powerful, persistent drive and by the afternoon, you have achieved what seemed too difficult to tackle earlier this morning. A young person could use your help later today. There is an opportunit­y to enjoy dinner out-of-doors this evening.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Intense focus on your career can find you mercilessl­y cutting back and getting down to the essentials regarding the path you are taking with your life. You will have a sense of being almost driven to pursue your course and succeed. Your work may be paying for furthering your education so you are careful to keep other expenses at a minimum. The afternoon is looking like the perfect time to grill. You and a family member may decide to put together a late afternoon meal, making it large enough to equal a missing lunch and the soon to be evening meal. Cookies and a little tea to finish the meal open up the opportunit­y for good conversati­on. Relax with your loved one this evening.

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