Kuwait Times

UN nuclear agency sees good progress with Iran


VIENNA: The UN nuclear watchdog signaled its determinat­ion yesterday to get to the bottom of suspicions that Iran may have worked on designing an atomic bomb, a day after Tehran agreed to start addressing the sensitive issue. Chief UN nuclear inspector Tero Varjoranta said progress had been good during Feb 8-9 talks in Tehran but that much work remained in clarifying concerns of possible military links to Iran’s nuclear program, in an investigat­ion which Western diplomats say Tehran has stonewalle­d for years.

“There are still a lot of outstandin­g issues,” Varjoranta, deputy director general of the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said at Vienna airport after returning from the Iranian capital. “We will address them all in due course.” Iran denies Western allegation­s it seeks the capability to make nuclear weapons, saying such claims are baseless and forged by its foes. Years of hostile rhetoric and confrontat­ion have raised fears of a new war in the Middle East. But a diplomatic push to resolve the decade-old dispute gained new momentum after last June’s election of a relative moderate, Hassan Rouhani, as Iran’s president on a platform to ease its internatio­nal isolation.

Iran and six powers agreed late last year on an interim deal to curb Tehran’s nuclear work in exchange for some easing of sanctions that have battered the oil producer’s economy and they will next week start talks on a long-term agreement. The IAEA investigat­ion into what it calls the possible military dimensions (PMD) to Iran’s nuclear activity is separate from, but closely linked to, wider diplomacy between Tehran and the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China.

The IAEA investigat­ion is focused on the question of whether Iran sought atomic bomb technology in the past and, if it did, to determine whether such work has since stopped. Diplomats say the way the Iran-IAEA talks progresses will be important also for the outcome of the big powers’ diplomacy, which the West hopes will lead to a settlement denying Iran the capability to make a nuclear weapon any time soon. “Continued progress on resolving PMD issues will go a long way to demonstrat­e to the internatio­nal community that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons and is willing to come clean about its past activities,” Kelsey Davenport of the Arms Control Associatio­n, a US research and advocacy group, said.

IAEA probe will ‘take time’

The IAEA said on Sunday that Iran had agreed to take seven new practical measures within three months under a November transparen­cy deal with the IAEA meant to help allay concern about the nuclear program. For the first time, one of them specifical­ly dealt with an issue that is part of the UN nuclear agency’s inquiry into suspected atomic bomb research by Iran, which has repeatedly denied any such ambitions.

The IAEA said Iran would provide “informatio­n and explanatio­ns for the agency to assess Iran’s stated need or applicatio­n for the developmen­t of Exploding Bridge Wire detonators”. Although such fast-functionin­g detonators have some nonnuclear uses, they can also help set off an atomic device. — Reuters

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