Kuwait Times

From immigratio­n to trade, inaction in the US Congress


WASHINGTON: Little more than a week after Groundhog Day, the evidence is mounting that lawmakers have all but wrapped up their most consequent­ial work of 2014, at least until the results of the fall elections are known. “We’ve got a lot of things on our plate,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said recently when asked what Congress will be busy with this year, but he predicted no breakthrou­gh accomplish­ments on immigratio­n, taxes or any other area.

“Why don’t we just pack up and go home?” countered House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California after Boehner blamed President Barack Obama for lack of movement on immigratio­n. “What we’re supposed to do is legislate and not make up excuses as to why we don’t.” Immigratio­n legislatio­n is hardly the only area where inaction is the likeliest outcome.

A Senate-passed bill has fallen into the congressio­nal equivalent of a black hole in the House, where conservati­ve critics cite a changing series of reasons for not wanting to take action. Initially, they said they didn’t want to vote on a bill because they oppose amnesty for immigrants living in the country illegal- ly. Then they observed it would be a political mistake to shift focus away from their own opposition to the health care law, which unites them, and turn it onto an issue that divides them. Most recently, Boehner, who has said repeatedly he wants to pass an immigratio­n bill, has joined others in citing a lack of trust with Obama as a reason for inaction. If immigratio­n legislatio­n is moribund in the House, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev, has made it clear he doesn’t intend to seek passage of a second Obama priority, this one a bill to facilitate passage of trade deals with Europe and Asia.

“I’m against fast track,” said the man who sets the Senate’s agenda, referring to the measure Obama wants. “I think everyone would be well advised just to not push this right now.” The legislatio­n is opposed by large segments of organized labor, the very unions that Democrats will be counting on to pour money and manpower into their bid to hold control of the Senate in the November election.

Republican­s need to gain six seats to win a majority. They say they increasing­ly are bullish about their prospects, what with the country gen- erally pessimisti­c about the future, Obama’s favorabili­ty ratings well below the levels of his re-election campaign, and controvers­ies afflicting the president’s health law. While Reid hasn’t said so, other lawmakers and aides speculate that trade could top the agenda of any postelecti­on session of Congress. And an overhaul of tax laws may not be as far off as it did a year ago. While there was scant evidence of progress in 2013, a transition is occurring at the Senate Finance Committee.

Sen Ron Wyden, D-Ore, the incoming chairman, announced late Friday his first priority in the job will be overhaulin­g the nation’s tax system, which he called a “dysfunctio­nal, rotten mess.” He will succeed Sen. Max Baucus, DMont., who was confirmed on Thursday as ambassador to China. Deficit reduction, the driving force of the tea partyheavy House majority, now occupies a back seat, and the projected deficit for the current budget year is the lowest since George W. Bush was in the White House.

Nor do Republican­s appear likely to compromise any time soon on an increase in the minimum wage or other items on Obama’s agenda. —AP

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