Kuwait Times

Tunisia creates an Islamist coalition


TUNIS: Tunisia yesterday presented its new coalition government, dominated by the secular Nidaa Tounes party but also including its Islamist rivals, as it prepares to tackle security problems and a faltering economy. Prime Minister Habib Essid announced the makeup of his new cabinet, which had initially been abandoned after the moderate Islamist Ennahda party warned it would vote against a line-up that included none of its members.

ìWe have made changes... to widen the compositio­n of the government with the participat­ion of other political parties,î Essid said. The new cabinet, which includes a minister and three state secretarie­s from Ennahda, will be put before parliament for a vote of confidence tomorrow. ìWe have no more time to lose, we are in a race against the clock,î Essid said as he announced the line-up at the presidency. His government will be the first since landmark parliament­ary and presidenti­al elections last year that were the first freely contested polls in the history of the North African country. The anti-Islamist Nidaa Tounes of President Beji Caid Essebsi won the largest number of seats in Octoberís general election, with Ennahda coming second.

But Nida Tounes did not secure a majority and Ennahda, which holds 69 of parliament­ís 217 seats, had rejected a cabinet in which it was not represente­d. Tunisia has struggled to form a stable government since it became the birthplace of the Arab Spring uprisings by ousting longtime dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011.— AFP

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