Kuwait Times

High-end prostitute­s used to close business deals


PARIS: The trial of former French presidenti­al hopeful Dominique Strauss-Kahn and several businessme­n on pimping charges shone a light on the world of high-end prostituti­on in which sex is often used to sweeten business deals.

“I was considered a VIP and offered as a gift to the heads of companies and politician­s,” said Carole, 41, a former prostitute who worked the champagne bars and brothels of Belgium, where the trade is legal, until 2013. She spoke ahead of the high-profile trial in Lille in northern France of StraussKah­n, once head of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund. He is being tried along with 13 others for their alleged part in a widerangin­g prostituti­on ring used by local businessme­n and police officials. “Companies, sometimes big internatio­nal ones, would come to see us to ask if a girl could be offered as a present,” she said.

She recalls a car company that wanted to sell three trucks to a local business: “I had to do whatever was necessary to make sure he signed,” she said. Eric Dupond-Moretti, a lawyer for one of the defendants in this week’s trial, says “call-girls are 80 percent, maybe 70 percent of the time solicited” to conclude business deals.

Used to exert pressure

The practice is particular­ly prevalent in profession­s where corruption and bribes are common, said Jean-Sebastien Mallet, an expert on the prostituti­on sector, highlighti­ng “constructi­on, import-export and the energy sector”. “In some Arab countries, a businessma­n who doesn’t have a girl in his bedroom will refuse to sign a contract,” he said. Sex can also be used to exert pressure. Carole said she was often sent as a “honeytrap” to seduce men in their hotels, creating the possibilit­y of blackmail down the line. The girls for these top-end clients tend to come from relatively comfortabl­e background­s. “They are clearly not poor young Romanians. Most work for networks of brothels or Internet escort companies,” said Yves Charpenel, head of anti-prostituti­on group Fondation Scelles. “But even if the prices are higher, 75 percent goes to the trafficker­s.” Strauss-Khan’s trial is not the first high-profile trial for pimping.

In 1995, renowned Italian designer Francesco Smalto was convicted after sending a number of suits to Gabon’s President Omar Bongo along with a group of call girls. But getting prosecutio­ns can be difficult, since it tends to rely on prostitute­s coming forward as witnesses. Gregoire Thery, from Mouvement du Nid, a support network for sex workers, says the girls giving evidence in this week’s trial have faced threats and pressure to back out. He adds that the common practice of using prostitute­s to conclude business deals has an added pernicious effect: creating another obstacle to gender equality in the workplace. “When contracts are being concluded in a brothel or a hotel bedroom, it’s a job for the guys.” —AFP

 ??  ?? LILLE: Defendant, Beatrice Legrain, partner and associate of French-born pimp Dominique Alderweire­ld or ‘Dodo la Saumure’, talks to the press as she arrives at the Lille courthouse. —AFP
LILLE: Defendant, Beatrice Legrain, partner and associate of French-born pimp Dominique Alderweire­ld or ‘Dodo la Saumure’, talks to the press as she arrives at the Lille courthouse. —AFP

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