Kuwait Times

Right thing?


future, you realize the difference between your job and your career. A job is a temporary position you work at in order to achieve temporary goals, for example, getting more spending money, to purchase a car and so on, however, a career is working in the field that you are passionate about and creating your own lifestyle doing what you love. I’m sure we’ve all read this before “Do what you love and never work a day in your life”.

Experience or passion

A career always starts with an education, you can be great at what you do, out of experience or passion, but you can never really be successful and go the whole 9 yards without an education. Your job fulfils your satisfacti­on temporaril­y, but your career will not only satisfy you, it will make you feel great about yourself and that will lead you to a happy mindset and life. Focus on building up your career with your job/s, it will give you more experience and understand­ing to how to do your job better and more efficientl­y. Don’t settle. Don’t allow it for yourself to wake up in the morning and spend a number of hours a day in a seat that’s taking you nowhere.

A few things that might help you with realizing whether or not this is the career you want, is to know your potential and worth, and know that your job doesn’t define you, its how you do it that does, and by that I mean, you can do well at your job but it’s your attitude and the relationsh­ips you build with people that differenti­ate you from others. Don’t focus on the financial aspect of it, money will never be enough to anyone, you will always want to make more, but of course you need to be making enough to live the life you feel is good enough for you, again, be realistic.

You’ve got a whole lifetime to figure out what you want to do, and it takes years and years for you to finally and truly understand the meaning of happiness and satisfacti­on, and believe it or not, it comes from the most simplest and basic things in life.

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