Kuwait Times

SACGC gets gold, bronze medals at Geneva Inventors Exhibition


Sabah Al-Ahmed Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC) recently added a new achievemen­t to the long list made by the center’s inventors at the 43rd Geneva Inventions Exhibition where engineer Khaled Al-Hassan won a gold medal for inventing a ‘Magnetic Broom’ and Heba Al-Hazza’ got a Bronze medal for inventing a card game named Cinco. In a statement he made after winning the medal, engineer Al-Hassan expressed gratitude to HH the Amir for his endless support to the center and encouragem­ent to all inventors. Al-Hassan added that his invention was used to pick up nails, screws and all metal objects from the ground and that it would be fit for use in garages and workshops. On her part, Al-Hazza’ stressed that she was currently in the process of locally manufactur­ing her cards game and offering it for sale in toy stores, some coops and online. SACGC’s PR manager, Shaima’ AlSherieda expressed happiness with this recent achievemen­t, especially since over 700 inventions were competing at the exhibition.

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