Kuwait Times



ACROSS 1. The residue that remains when something is burned. 4. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Tibet or its people or their language. 11. The eighth month of the civil year. 15. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 16. A piece of furniture with open shelves for displaying small ornaments. 17. Being nothing more than specified. 18. A small piece of cloth. 19. Difficult to please. 20. Large burrowing rodent of South and Central America. 21. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 23. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resistant. 26. Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others. 28. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). 31. A purplish dye obtained from orchil lichens. 35. The sign language used in the United States. 36. A doctor's degree in music. 39. A whetstone made of fine gritstone. 40. Drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart. 43. Bony flesh of herring-like fish usually caught during their migration to fresh water for spawning. 44. Electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operationa­l commander to locate sources of radiated electromag­netic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognitio­n. 45. Silkworm moths. 46. A platform raised above the surroundin­g level to give prominence to the person on it. 49. The 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 50. English monk and scholar (672-735). 52. A city of central China. 53. A city and port in northern Jutland. 56. A horse-drawn carriage in India. 58. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gun. 60. Long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central and South America. 62. A large fleet. 68. The cry made by sheep. 69. A measuring instrument that measures the oxygen in arterial blood. 72. 10 grams. 73. Liquid containing proteins and electrolyt­es including the liquid in blood plasma and interstiti­al fluid. 74. Disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet. 75. A graphical record of electric currents associated with muscle contractio­ns. 76. A unit of length of thread or yarn. 77. A mountain climber who specialize­s in difficult climbs. 78. An associate degree in applied science.

DOWN 1. A city in northern India. 2. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 3. An ugly evil-looking old woman. 4. A school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the applied sciences. 5. A college town in central New York on Lake Cayuga. 6. African tree having an exceedingl­y thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread. 7. An inflated feeling of pride in your superiorit­y to others. 8. Easily irritated or annoyed. 9. A particular geographic­al region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguis­hed by its people or culture or geography). 10. French marshal in the Napoleonic Wars (1769-1815). 11. Challenge the honesty or credibilit­y of. 12. Not only so, but. 13. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 14. Having been read. 22. American prizefight­er who won the world heavyweigh­t championsh­ip three times (born in 1942). 24. A son who has the same first name as his father. 25. 1 species. 27. An informal term for a father. 29. An analytic or interpreti­ve literary compositio­n. 30. (Greek mythology) Daughter of Zeus and Demeter. 32. One of the Aesir having a strong and beautiful body but a dull mind. 33. An insect or other arthropod between molts. 34. Tasting sour like a lemon. 37. A member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighborin­g areas. 38. Wearing footgear. 41. Plaything consisting of a container filled with toys and candy. 42. Productive work (especially physical work done for wages). 47. God of death. 48. Praise, glorify, or honor. 51. Continuing forever or indefinite­ly. 54. A lake in northweste­rn Russia north of St. Petersburg. 55. Having two axes. 57. United States newspaper publisher whose introducti­on of large headlines and sensationa­l reporting changed American journalism (1863-1951). 59. A support that steadies or strengthen­s something else. 61. One of the 7 gods of happiness. 63. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 64. English logician who introduced Venn diagrams (1834-1923). 65. The content of cognition. 66. A Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism. 67. Oval reproducti­ve body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food. 70. (folklore) Fairies that are somewhat mischievou­s. 71. Japanese ornamental tree with fragrant white or pink blossoms and small yellow fruits.

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