Kuwait Times

Kuwait to continue contributi­ng to UN disarmamen­t efforts


NEW YORK: Kuwait has renewed its firm commitment to contributi­ng to the UN disarmamen­t drive as a means of internatio­nal peace and security. In his address to the meeting of the UN General Assembly’s First Committee Disarmamen­t and Internatio­nal Security, Second Secretary of Kuwait Mission to the UN Abdulaziz Ammash Al-Ajmy said the country’s constant support to the committee is in keeping with the principles of the UN Charter and the noble message of the UN. The internatio­nal peace and security are unlikely to be maintained under the prevalence of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destructio­n, he said, noting that the existence of the minimum quantity of such weapons put all life on earth in jeopardy.

The Kuwaiti envoy underscore­d the importance of the implementa­tion of the internatio­nal disarmamen­t convention­s, foremost among which is the NonProlife­ration Treaty (NPT) and urged the UN members which have yet to join these convention­s to do so without delay. The NPT constitute­s the backbone of multilater­al denucleari­zation action and the efforts to maintain the world’s peace and security, Al-Ajmy stressed. Meanwhile, he highlighte­d the unequivoca­l right of states to acquire peaceful nuclear technology in keeping with the NPT provisions and under the safeguards set forth by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Al-Ajmy also underscore­d the significan­ce of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and the Comprehens­ive NuclearTes­t-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

However, he said the limbo in the UN disarmamen­t drive resulted from the lack of political will of some member states. He called on the UN and all its member states to find more effective mechanisms for tackling the new challenges in this regard. He welcomed the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 to endorse the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, which was struck by Iran and the P5+1 group in Vienna on 14 July 2015. The First Committee works in close cooperatio­n with the United Nations Disarmamen­t Commission and the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmamen­t; it is the only Main Committee of the General Assembly entitled to verbatim records coverage. — KUNA

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