Kuwait Times

NYT’s Freidman weighs in on global challenges


KUWAIT: There are three sets of challenges that countries should be ready to address today as the world has evolved at an everincrea­sing pace, said Thomas Freidman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and columnist at the New York Times. He was speaking yesterday at a forum titled ‘The Word is Fast: How to Understand It and Thrive in it”, held at the Arab Fund headquarte­rs in Shuwaikh.

Freidman said countries should address the challenges on the basis of experience­s, since globalizat­ion is tying economies more tightly together, making workers, investors and markets increasing­ly independen­t and exposed to global trends. He said the digital revolution embedded Moore’s Law, according to which the speed and power of microchips will double every two years. He explained with recent examples how the increasing power of software computers and robots is requiring workers to rapidly raise their skills or risk losing their jobs.

Friedman also discussed the destabiliz­ing consequenc­es due to rapid population growth and shortsight­ed policies, discussing the implicatio­ns of these challenges for the Arab world. In the area of globalizat­ion, he emphasized the pressing imperative of removing impediment­s to trade and flow ideas, enabling the developmen­t of the private sector and diversifyi­ng their production base, especially for oil producing countries.

Regarding the challenge of digital revolution, Freidman emphasized the role of education reform in equipping new generation­s of graduates and workers with new skills and strengthen­ing an aptitude for continual and flexible learning. He also discussed ways in which Arab countries, especially the Gulf countries, could prepare to temper the impact of the economic and social impact of heat waves that are forecast to pose a serious threat to outdoor human life in a generation’s lifetime. Aptitude and social skills are still very well emphasized in many schools today, and this is very important, Friedman added.

The forum was organized by the IMF Middle East Center for Economics and Finance (CEF) jointly with the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Developmen­t. Friedman was joined onstage by CEF Director Oussama Kanaan, while a considerab­le number of businessme­n and people from all walks of life were present at the event.

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