Kuwait Times

Keeping bees helps gardeners understand plants better


NEW YORK: Want to become a better gardener? Then learn something about beekeeping. Become a matchmaker who ensures that flowering plants and honeybees enjoy a beneficial relationsh­ip. Keeping bees increases one’s interest in botany, says Jim Tunnell, a master beekeeper and owner of Beez Neez Apiary Supply in Snohomish, Washington. “I can’t help but look at the world more from the bees’ perspectiv­e,” he said. “Whenever I see them show an interest in a particular plant, I have to know what it is and whether it is a nectar source or a pollen source or both.” Bees gather pollen, nectar and water to make honey, reproduce and survive. Pollen is used primarily to feed new generation­s of brood. Water cools the hives and dilutes the honey on which the bees feed. The sugary nectar is stockpiled for overwinter­ing when flowering plants are dormant. Pollen and nectar-rich plants, meanwhile, need the kind of cross-pollinatio­n provided by bees and other insects. “Bees tend to confine their attention to one flower species during a single foraging trip, but they move from plant to plant, favoring cross-pollinatio­n,” a Missouri Botanical Garden fact sheet says. “Cross-pollinatio­n results in greater genetic variation, which can mean stronger, more vigorous plants.”

Honeybees seem partial to white, blue, yellow and violet flowers. Flowers with saucershap­ed blooms, like dahlias, cosmos, coneflower­s and sunflowers are more open than tubeshaped types, making pollen and syrup easier to collect. Provide flowering plants and the pollinator­s will come. But it takes more than several suburban yards to support a honeybee colony. “A hive’s foraging area extends several miles in every direction,” Tunnell said. “If you define ‘surrounded by pollinator-friendly perennials’ as a yard filled with such plants, that is woefully inadequate for a single beehive.”

Rather than emphasizin­g planting in quantity then, plant for availabili­ty. Practice succession planting with species that bloom from early spring through late autumn. Food supplies for pollinator­s are particular­ly scarce early and late in the year. “This is critically important,” said Mace Vaughan, a spokesman for The Xerces Society for Invertebra­te Conservati­on in Portland, Oregon. “We know that honeybee hives that bring in a diversity of pollens are healthier and better able to cope with diseases, pests and even pesticide exposure. “Also, bees are active year-round,” he said. “There are times when the natural supply of nectar or pollen is low during the year. By working to have blooms available consistent­ly throughout the growing season, honeybee hives are better able to thrive.” In many cases, native plants are best because they produce an abundance of pollen and nectar and are easier to maintain, Vaughan said. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a role for non-native plants. “Lawns full of clover or crop fields full of buckwheat or phacelia can be very valuable and inexpensiv­e to establish,” he said. Not every gardener is cut out to be a beekeeper, but all have a vested interest in the long-term health of bees and other pollinator­s, Tunnell said. “I think it’s always a good thing to keep the pollinator­s in mind when we plant our gardens,”he said. — AP

 ??  ?? WASHINGTON: This Sept. 11, 2015 photo shows a honeybee covered with pollen, after foraging on a collection of Dahlias at a home near Langley, Wash.
WASHINGTON: This Sept. 11, 2015 photo shows a honeybee covered with pollen, after foraging on a collection of Dahlias at a home near Langley, Wash.
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